I pick up a box of kellogg's breakfast cereal today and read the ingredient list. It has whole kernel corn as an ingredient. I called the phone number on the box ( 800 962 1413 ) and talk to a young guy named Victor. He was very polite and I asked him 2 questions.
1. Question: Does the Kellogg corporation use GMO Corn in there Breakfast cereals? I was told that they did. They use both GMO and Non-GMO in their product. They purchase on the open market.
2. Question: Is the Kellogg Corporation planning on doing away with the use of GMO foods in their products? I was told that were not.
I then told them that until Kellogg stops using GMO, I will no longer purchase their product and I will suggest to others that they do the same. I also told him that I would publish this information on the blog.
Victor thanked me and said that he would pass my response on to the the higher ups.
I thanked him and ended the call.
Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!
Welcome To: Live Well Blog.
Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?
Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.
This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.
You Can, Solve Your Health And Pain Issues!
Government and Corporation are
making us sick
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Bad Food Damages Brain’s Weight & Appetite Controllers according to:
"Scientists from the Diabetes and Obesity Center of Excellence at Seattle’s University of Washington fed rats a junk food high fat diet and discovered they doubled their caloric intake three days later. The rats showed an inflamed hypothalamus, the area of the brain with weight controlling neurons. The inflammation subsided but returned in four weeks. And what does most junk food have in it? High Fructose Corn Syrup. And what does HFCS come from? Mostly GMO corn.
For more detail": Quote is from the following article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2006312/Eating-junk-food-destroys-weight-controlling-brain-cells-causing-vicious-cycle-obesity.html
To get well, we have to eat healthy and the current food supply is not healthy. To help defend your body against the poisons in the food: Start using Natra Burst and as much as possible avoid the HFCS and GMO Food.
For more detail": Quote is from the following article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2006312/Eating-junk-food-destroys-weight-controlling-brain-cells-causing-vicious-cycle-obesity.html
To get well, we have to eat healthy and the current food supply is not healthy. To help defend your body against the poisons in the food: Start using Natra Burst and as much as possible avoid the HFCS and GMO Food.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Some Scientists are good guys, but not FDA Management
Did you know that some FDA scientists had repeatedly warned that GMO foods can cause unpredictable, hard-to-detect side effects, including allergies, toxins, new diseases, and other nutritional problems. The FDA scientists had urged long-term safety studies. They have been ignored.
I hope your read yesterdays blog. Like horses? GMO corn Kills them. How nice. So what is doing to us. Here, have some corn flakes and feed it to your kids for them experience too.
Wake up. If you know what you were eating and feeding your kids, you wouldn't. So read and watch
I hope your read yesterdays blog. Like horses? GMO corn Kills them. How nice. So what is doing to us. Here, have some corn flakes and feed it to your kids for them experience too.
Wake up. If you know what you were eating and feeding your kids, you wouldn't. So read and watch
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Read your food labels and reject GMO food or you will continue to be unhealthy. Then call the food companies and tell them that you will no longer buy their food product.
If "Abundant Garden" Organic Fertilizer were used by farmers there would not be a need for insecticides because the crops would be healthy and no insects would bother them. FACT!
Bt crops linked to sterility, disease, and death
- Thousands of sheep, buffalo, and goats in India died after grazing on Bt cotton plants after harvest. Others suffered poor health and reproductive problems.[34]
- Farmers in Europe and Asia say that cows, water buffaloes, chickens, and horses died from eating Bt corn varieties.[35]
- About two dozen US farmers report that Bt corn varieties caused widespread sterility in pigs or cows.[36]
- Filipinos in at least five villages fell sick when a nearby Bt corn variety was pollinating.[37]
- The stomach lining of rats fed GM potatoes showed excessive cell growth, a condition that may lead to cancer. Rats also had damaged organs and immune systems.[38] (This information was taken for the Institute for responsible biotechnology web page: http://www.responsibletechnology.org/gmo-dangers/health-risks
One of the first genetically modified organisms were transgenic crops containing a gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a naturally occurring bacterial disease of insects. These bacteria are the active ingredient in some insecticides.) that coded for the protein crystals in Bt which are toxic to some insect larvae. The Bt gene was successfully inserted into the genome of several cash crops via a gene gun. The insertion of the Bt gene directly into the genome of crops allowed the crops to perpetually produce this Bt toxin in their own cells. Theoretically, this conferred constant insect resistance to transgenic Bt crops without the application of any pesticide dusts or sprays. Also, since Bt crops constantly produce Bt protein crystals in all tissues of the plant, Bt crops, unlike traditional Bt sprays and dusts, remain effective once the larvae have bored into the plant stalk (Levidow, 1999). Today, versions of Bt cotton, Bt corn, and Bt potatoes are being grown in the United States, Canada, Argentina, South Africa, France, and Spain. (information taken form web page that was created by Lane Estes and Graham Watson for Biology 361, an undergraduate course at Davidson College)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Time to get educated: Want Facts? Watch this!
Watch this and understand what those who are aware already know.
Listen and watch carefully. Let it sink in and you will know why you need to find truly organic food to eat.
You can get active in three ways:
1. Call your congress person and demand that they stop allowing seeds and life to be owned/ patented by corporations or indiveduals.
2. Buy organic food as much as possible.
3. Start taking Natra Burst and start getting well in spite of Monsanto.
Listen and watch carefully. Let it sink in and you will know why you need to find truly organic food to eat.
You can get active in three ways:
1. Call your congress person and demand that they stop allowing seeds and life to be owned/ patented by corporations or indiveduals.
2. Buy organic food as much as possible.
3. Start taking Natra Burst and start getting well in spite of Monsanto.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Farmageddon: New Food Freedom Documentary Debut
“Without Food Freedom - We are Not Free”
Watch this and understand the that inch by inch, freedom of choice in buying food is leaving the USA.
You should care because most of the food today is GMO, and soon it could all be GMO. The FDA under the laws of congress make rules up that take our freedom away under the guise of protecting the public.. We know about lobbyist that pay off the congress reps for passing the laws that say GMO food is okay.
Now the FDA has hired an attorney that used to work for Monsanto. Is this the fox in the hen house. I think so. Get your healthy food where you can and while you can.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Listen to what people say when they use this whole food concentrate.
Give it 6 months and you will experience it. Maybe even the first day.
Teri T. - Monthly cramps and mood swings eliminated, back pain gone
Calvin K. - Benefits of NatraBurst
Rosa B. - Nagging hip pain gone
Linda P. - Blood pressure lowered
Listen on the Recorded Daily Testimonial Line: (previous call)[Listen any time] Phone: 712 - 432 - 1085 Pin 667219#
Ingredients: http://thecure.124online.com/fru/pg/38604/mitem/38024/default.aspx
To purchase: http://thecure.124online.com/ - click waiting list button and get on the waiting list. Then on the 24th or 25th you will get an email explaining how to buy the product. My # is on the
website for questions.
Teri T. - Monthly cramps and mood swings eliminated, back pain gone
Calvin K. - Benefits of NatraBurst
Rosa B. - Nagging hip pain gone
Linda P. - Blood pressure lowered
Listen on the Recorded Daily Testimonial Line: (previous call)[Listen any time] Phone: 712 - 432 - 1085 Pin 667219#
Ingredients: http://thecure.124online.com/fru/pg/38604/mitem/38024/default.aspx
To purchase: http://thecure.124online.com/ - click waiting list button and get on the waiting list. Then on the 24th or 25th you will get an email explaining how to buy the product. My # is on the
website for questions.
I just learnd this information in an email
I am told that Roundup Ready-treated sugar beets accounts for 50% of U.S. sugar production. Wow, this is GMO. If you don't want round up weed killer in your food, better read the labels and contact your congress people.
It is not just Sugar Beets. It is the corn at about 85%. It is Soy at about 75%. and much more that you are not told about.
In order to get your health back, you need to start eating healthy. Buy as much organic food and you can afford. I also recommend buying your first container of Natra Burst. This nutrition will give your health a real boost. Any good nutrition will give your health a boost, but you can't find this kind of nutrition for the price and convenience. Try it you'll like it. It tastes good too. It can save you money in many ways.
It is not just Sugar Beets. It is the corn at about 85%. It is Soy at about 75%. and much more that you are not told about.
In order to get your health back, you need to start eating healthy. Buy as much organic food and you can afford. I also recommend buying your first container of Natra Burst. This nutrition will give your health a real boost. Any good nutrition will give your health a boost, but you can't find this kind of nutrition for the price and convenience. Try it you'll like it. It tastes good too. It can save you money in many ways.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Forced Sterilization: Courtesy of Your the food supply
The following is part of an email that came into my inbox this morning. It is from Off The Grid News. It is a news letter that you can subscribe to.
Dear scott,
It reads like something out of a Stephen King horror novel--elitists, corporate agents, and government operatives secretly implementing fertility-control methods, decimating populations of people in a nefarious program that would make Margaret Sanger, a leader of the eugenics movement and founder of Planned Parenthood, proud.
Forget environmental concerns and glow-in-the-dark babies. In fact, forget babies altogether. You don't have to worry about passing along any mutations to your kids because your chances of having them have been compromised. In fact, that's the goal--to reduce your numbers.
How, you ask?
Would you believe me if I said ... corn?
And not just any corn.
GMO corn.
According to F.W. Engdahl, an American-German freelance journalist, historian, and economic researcher, one long-standing project of the U.S. government has been to perfect a genetically-modified strand of corn. This variety of corn was field-tested over ten years ago, and according to the president of the small bio-tech firm in charge of that project...
And who was helping to finance this endeavor? The Gates' Foundation (which includes the Buffet Foundation) and the Rockefeller Foundation, through a project called The Alliance for a Green Revolution, headed by none other than former U.N. Chief, Kofi Annan. Major GMO agri-businesses are reported to be at the heart of AGRA, using it to spread their GMO technology throughout the Third World. According to Engdahl, "Gates and Buffet are major funders of global population reduction programs." Included in this unholy alliance is Ted Turner, who thinks that a 95% reduction in global population to around 300 million would be "ideal."
And remember, the Rockefeller Foundation has been involved in eugenics and genocide since it began funding the eugenics research in Germany in the 1920s and well into the Third Reich. (Seeds of Destruction, F.W. Engdahl.) The Rockefellers backed the forced sterilizations and racial purity ideology of Hitler's Germany.
But how does a Third World program affect us in western civilization? More specifically, how does it affect us here, in the United States?
Since 2008, the U.S. government has opposed a national effort to label GMO foods. They upped the ante by trying to suppress GMO labeling anywhere in the world, by using Codex, the U.N. arm that seeks to regulate every food, mineral, and herb in the world used for consumption. However, this effort has stalled because Codex doesn't look at GMO created products as "food."
However, Codex does place these products into a special category that can be utilized in alternative applications. (Like birth control, maybe?)
Genetically engineered corn, soy, cottonseed oil, and canola oil are the most processed foods in the United States. These foods have NEVER been tested for safety in human consumption ... even though animal studies show severe organ damage, spontaneous abortions, and sterility when consumed.
Dear scott,
It reads like something out of a Stephen King horror novel--elitists, corporate agents, and government operatives secretly implementing fertility-control methods, decimating populations of people in a nefarious program that would make Margaret Sanger, a leader of the eugenics movement and founder of Planned Parenthood, proud.
Forget environmental concerns and glow-in-the-dark babies. In fact, forget babies altogether. You don't have to worry about passing along any mutations to your kids because your chances of having them have been compromised. In fact, that's the goal--to reduce your numbers.
How, you ask?
Would you believe me if I said ... corn?
And not just any corn.
GMO corn.
According to F.W. Engdahl, an American-German freelance journalist, historian, and economic researcher, one long-standing project of the U.S. government has been to perfect a genetically-modified strand of corn. This variety of corn was field-tested over ten years ago, and according to the president of the small bio-tech firm in charge of that project...
"We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies."
Taking antibodies from women with a rare condition known as "immune infertility" and isolating the genes that regulated the manufacture of those antibodies, they inserted them into the corn plants, creating, in essence, a biological weapon for population control.And who was helping to finance this endeavor? The Gates' Foundation (which includes the Buffet Foundation) and the Rockefeller Foundation, through a project called The Alliance for a Green Revolution, headed by none other than former U.N. Chief, Kofi Annan. Major GMO agri-businesses are reported to be at the heart of AGRA, using it to spread their GMO technology throughout the Third World. According to Engdahl, "Gates and Buffet are major funders of global population reduction programs." Included in this unholy alliance is Ted Turner, who thinks that a 95% reduction in global population to around 300 million would be "ideal."
And remember, the Rockefeller Foundation has been involved in eugenics and genocide since it began funding the eugenics research in Germany in the 1920s and well into the Third Reich. (Seeds of Destruction, F.W. Engdahl.) The Rockefellers backed the forced sterilizations and racial purity ideology of Hitler's Germany.
But how does a Third World program affect us in western civilization? More specifically, how does it affect us here, in the United States?
Shortly after the introduction of GMO corn into the U.S. in 1996, birth rates began falling. Since 1999, birth rates have plummeted even faster - just three years after GMO corn was introduced into the food supply.
GMOS, according to scientists interviewed for the film Science Under Attack, have been known to cause smaller brain size, lowered immunity, organ damage, and infertility in animals fed biotech food. Does this correspond to the 20% rate of infertility occurring in our population today? That's a good question. Unfortunately, agri-giants and our government are suppressing the answers. Since 2008, the U.S. government has opposed a national effort to label GMO foods. They upped the ante by trying to suppress GMO labeling anywhere in the world, by using Codex, the U.N. arm that seeks to regulate every food, mineral, and herb in the world used for consumption. However, this effort has stalled because Codex doesn't look at GMO created products as "food."
However, Codex does place these products into a special category that can be utilized in alternative applications. (Like birth control, maybe?)
Genetically engineered corn, soy, cottonseed oil, and canola oil are the most processed foods in the United States. These foods have NEVER been tested for safety in human consumption ... even though animal studies show severe organ damage, spontaneous abortions, and sterility when consumed.
Take control of your fertility ... your health ... your life ... by taking control of your own food supply. Buy heirloom seeds.
Where to get them: http://www.heirloomsolutions.com
Where to get them: http://www.heirloomsolutions.com
A note on Almond Milk
I talked to a very nice young lady today at the company "Silk" on the product "Pure Almond Milk". I discovered that it is not irradiated but of course it is pasteurized. It is also NON- GMO. The product tastes great but because of it pasteurization there is probable not much nutrition left in the milk. I asked her to pass along a suggestion that Silk produce an more natural product that didn't have to be pasteurized.
I Think I will try and find some coconuts at the store and use that for my milk. It is fresh and non pasteurized.
Eating healthy is not easy in the USA, but a good start is Natra Burst. Try it you'll like it.
I Think I will try and find some coconuts at the store and use that for my milk. It is fresh and non pasteurized.
Eating healthy is not easy in the USA, but a good start is Natra Burst. Try it you'll like it.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Why Soy Is NOT a Health Food
Full video talks about the following and more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjZs0DGW1Jk
1. Almost all soy is GMO and of course the latest information is that GMO crops are possibly changing our DNA.
2. There is a substance in soy that impairs your thyroid function.
3. Inhibits the body,s ability to absorb minerals.
4. Soy contains high levels of MSG. We know MSG destroys brain cell.
5. Infant formula: There are excessive levels of Manganese and aluminum in soy. Studies suggest that aluminum is a contributor to Alzheimer disease.
Note that almost all food products have soy in them.
A suggestion: Call the company's of the products that you use and tell them that you want the soy removed or you will discontinue buying their food products. (The phone #s are on most product labels.) Then follow through. Then after the next time you shop and don't buy there product call them and tell them that you bought food and didn't buy their food product and will continue this behavior until they stop using soy in there products. If we all did this, we could change the behavior of the food manufactures. We have to start some where, and someone has to start. I stared, how about you? Leave a post here of what you are doing and let's get GMO and Soy out of our food supply.
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