Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

Welcome To: Live Well Blog.

Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

You Can, Solve Your Health And Pain Issues!


Government and Corporation are

making us sick

Friday, January 9, 2015

The FDA and USDA

The FDA and USDA 
The people in government have been entrusted to protect use from the evil of others and that is why we have a military, police forces and sheriff offices. Oh and we must not forget the national guard, CIA, FBI, NSA, and the environmental protection agency, etc. etc..  It is obvious that most of these departments don't do their jobs, or shall we say, they are corrupted.  

Since the FDA and the USDA allows Chemicals in our food - meats, eggs and on the crop lands, that the food store food, comes from, we, as citizens, need, to come together and fire the government people who allow and encourage this poisoning of us. How can we afford to keep puting these cancer causing chemicals in our body? 

When you have time, and hopefully you will make time, tell your congress person, Senator, the USDA and the FDA to give us safe food. (Remember - These guys are bought by the food and chemical industries via lobbyists form the corporations that sell the poisons)  We need to use our common sense and decide as individuals and in mass, not to consume these additives and chemicals? This can cause a change in the market and it is. We have noticed, as an example, that Safeway is carrying a lot more organic products now.  Safeway CS told me that "We are trying to provide what the customer wants."  So we can make a difference. 

The crop land soils are already depleted of much of the vitamins and minerals, that the nutrition content of our food is still continuing to declining every single year (non-stop).  Not to mention the GMOs.  I guess I just did.

I must note that the nutrition, even in the organic food today, is not what it was, so by using MMF with your daily food intake your health will be so much better because of the DNA repair with MMF.  Get it here:

Friday, January 2, 2015

Lies, Lies and more lies from government 2007 & 2013 to now

Back in 2013, our bribed Congress, passed and our bribed President Obama signed into law, a bill called "The Monsanto Protection Act.  I believe it was a rider on another bill.   Our Government "servants" need to enact mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods. We all know this but....

The people in office don't work for us anymore. They work for the corporations via lobbyists. Actually, themselves.  I suggest we get all new blood in Government next time.  There are only a few senators and congress people that try to follow the constitution and certainly the current president does not, with his unconstitutional use executive orders. By the way, note that the current congress and senate does nothing to stop him.  Realistically what we have, is one party ruling. Yet, they are required by the constitution to be our servants. 
You can see why getting mandatory labeling done, is so difficult.  The corporations have money to pass around and this is how they win.  They get government to pass laws favoring them and taking from us. All of these oath breakers say one thing and do another. WE WERE WARNED BY BEN FRANKLIN, WHEN ASKED, WHAT KIND OF GOVERNMENT, THE PEOPLE HAD BEEN GIVEN:  "A REPUBLIC, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT", HE REPLIED.  Not much freedom left, if you take note.  So many don't take note, and that is why unscrupulous  people are elected to office.

According to Food Democracy now, "Mandatory labeling of GMO foods is something that President Obama promised while on the campaign trail in 2007 to Iowa farmers when he said on November 10, 2007 in Des Moines: “Here’s what I’ll do as president... we’ll let folks know whether their food has been genetically modified because Americans should know what they’re buying”."  "LAIR!"

We would need less doctors if we had healthy food.  MMF gives me a health advantage that others don't have, because even organic labeled food has it issues, like, not enough nutrients or bugs in the soil to produce healthy plants with an abundance of nutrition.  One carrot from 100 years ago, I am told, is equal 70 carrots today.  MMF gives me what the organic foods don't.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

FDA Wants some of us to die - aspartame

An FDA official admits to depopulation agenda.  This is our government who's responsibility is to protect us, wants most of us dead. Their thoughts, not mine.

Your body needs the best nutrition you can get to help you body repair itself.  I suggest you need the help of MMF. It helps the body repair it's DNA.  This is know through clinical studies. This is a contamination free health nutrient. Check it out above.  

Aspartame = MS, Lupus, Parkinson, seizures, fibromyalgia, lost eye site, loss of memory, diabetes,obesity, strokes 
pre-term births, , heart attacks and death.  More than 900 studies done to prove this.
Just listen to the short audio link and then the movie.

Click here to listen to Betty Martini Aspartame poisoning and what you need to know 

For more information about Betty Martini – visit:  or you can email Betty –

Then watch the movie:

Take action to help remove aspartame from the market!  If you’re a woman that gave birth starting in 1984 to present – fill out this survey. - 
See more at: