- Japan, in the ’90s, found steviosides in stevia to be harmless
- But further testing in the guts of rats steviosides transformed into Toxic steviol
- In turn, causing a big spike in mutagenic DNA damage -(Note: the body can fix this with help from MMF)
- We have those same rat bacteria in our guts that cause the DNA damage
- The mutagenic compounds are produced in our colons and absorbed into our bloodstream
- The World Health (sponsored by government considers 1.8 mg per pound as safe
- Government gave us the lying food pyramid too and now 188 million people have diabetes...
- WHO is stating about two packets a day or 2 stevia-sweetened beverages a day is safe.
- Common sense says, you shouldn't consume any.
Some say it is safe to eat, at this point, I am not sure. So if you do eat it, keep the doses small. That is my current opinion.
If you have been using stevia, I would strongly suggest: http://revivedna.com/scott MMF repairs DNA, according to Department of Radiology, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany