Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

Welcome To: Live Well Blog.

Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

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Government and Corporation are

making us sick

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Round up weed killer running through your veins and thoes of your children

Oh, the deceived people that we are!  

Isn't it just so wonderful to have Round Up Weed Killer in our blood as it courses through our veins.  Makes us so healthy and happy.  Don't you just love Monsanto, for putting it there. Like my sarcasm?

A mass experiment with GMO food has been perpetrated on us, the public.  Here are some of the results.  Toxic elements can be found in almost all pregnant women and their children.  Read the study - Link below

The toxins are designed into crops, the food that we buy in the grocery store and consume.  Thus the term "genetically modified organism" or GMO, sometimes GM for short.    GMO is in of all of us, including the bloodstreams of all pregnant women and their unborn children.  This would be shocking if the public not only knew what has happened to our food supply but understood it. 

Copy this information and send to all on your email list.  

The genetic modification industry’s claims that such toxins are destroyed by the digestive tracts of people and the animals who eat the fed of these GMO crops.  Oh Ya!  Tell the industry's greedy criminals to prove that.  It is NOT TRUE.

The Canadian study shows that this is not true: 


"Genetically modified organisms are enormously profitable.  They have never been shown to be safe—and now it’s obvious that this entire generation here in the USA is at risk because of them. The results of the mass experiment are in. It’s time to call a halt—and hope that the damage doesn’t pass down the generations".

Now, how do you feel about the food you eat, the congressmen (who are there to protect us - right!), the supreme court (who came down on the side of the corporations in a court case), and the corporations like Monsanto (making huge profits at our expense).  Oh, and let's not forget the FDA (who approves this poison). 

What to do about it: Start eating good organic food if you can find it and start with Natra Burst. Order here: 

More in tomorrow's Blog.

Sample info to come:  Read the labels and don't buy anything with (HFCS) High fructose corn syrup in it.  Currently about 85% of the corn grown is GMO.  You will see very quickly that is is very difficult to get away from GMO i this country.  
What does Europe know.  They don't allow GMO crops to be grown over there.

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