I don't like consuming poison ever day, do you? No, no one does. The government is not protecting us.
If there is very little nutrition in the food, you will have to eat more to get the nutrition and thus you will become over weight.
I proved this with my dog. I bought cheap dog food for my dog and he ate a lot of it.and got fat. I switched to a high nutrition dog food and my dog ate less food and lost weight. Less yard pick up was need also. Good nutrition makes us healthy and free of disease.
The same in true in the plant world. Make the ground healthy, the plants will be healthy and no pesticides will be needed. Abundant Garden sells an organic fertilizer that will make the ground healthy unlike chemical fertilizers. I will get the website address and include it in a later blog.
Note: Rats fed GMO "potatoes developed potentially precancerous cell growth in the digestive tract,
uninhibited development of their brains, livers, and testicles, partial atrophy of the liver, enlarged pancreases and intestines, adn immune system damage". Partial quote from: http://gefreebc.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/119.pdf Click this link and get the rest of the facts here.
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