So Monsanto and other chemical companies thought they were smarter the creator. They are making us sick and killing us for profit and are in the end making our world more disrupted. We need to stop this insanity. I suggest you get involved politically. Visit your state and federal reps. Tell them what you want. Get your friends to go with you. Create rallies at there offices until they introduce legislation that outlaws the GMOs and the HFCS. It may be better to start at the state level with literature like you find on this blog.
The following information is a quote from Health Freedom:
"Monsanto used its wiles for over 15 years to make sure that its seeds and products are the ones that farmers use exclusively. Monstrosity made sure that it appeared to be a bargain – farmers couldn’t resist the “innovation” of RoundUp resistant crops.
Farmers now know they reaped a raw deal. They were promised less weeds with the use of more RoundUp chemicals, but this summer have witnessed the worst weeds ever known. Thick stemmed, relentless and some with four-inch thick stems. The super weeds laugh in the face of herbicides as they are so resistant, the sopping chemical cocktails do nothing. The upkeep is costing farmers more than pre-Monsanto days and more hired help is needed to hack through the mess. Just like agrarian times.
Innovation makes full circle.
~Health Freedoms"
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