Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

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Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

MSG: Gets You Brain Damage And Over Weight

MSG can cause numbness, tingling, and tightness of the chest which can last for a couple of hours. It also causes brain lacerations, brain damage and make you fat.

MSG or glutamic acid  is extracted from sea weed. It is all extracted from protein using acid hydrolysis.
Every hydrolyzed protein product, regardless of the name given to it on a label, contains MSG.

The use of MSG is still growing in the food supply. MSG is found in most soups, salad dressings, processed meats, frozen entrees, ice cream, and frozen yogurt, crackers, bread, canned tuna, and very often in "low fat" and "no fat" foods. This is done to make up for lost flavor when fat is reduced or eliminated in food products. It is also found in some cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and dietary supplements. It is also found in enteral feeding products and in infant formulas. It is used in vaccines, in hospitals jello, chicken soup, and even some IV solutions.  

They put this stuff in baby food.  MSG is used to make lab mice gain weight.

Names of ingredients that always contain processed free glutamic acid:

Glutamic acid (E 620)2,  Glutamate (E 620)
Monosodium glutamate (E 621)
Monopotassium glutamate (E 622)
Calcium glutamate (E 623)
Monoammonium glutamate (E 624)
Magnesium glutamate (E 625)
Natrium glutamate
Yeast extract
Anything “hydrolyzed”
Any “hydrolyzed protein”
Calcium caseinate,  Sodium caseinate
Yeast food, Yeast nutrient
Autolyzed yeast
Textured protein
Soy protein, soy protein concentrate
Soy protein isolate
Whey protein, whey protein concentrate
Whey protein isolate
Anything “…protein”
Names of ingredients that often contain or produce processed free glutamic acid:

Carrageenan (E 407)
Bouillon and broth
Any “flavors” or “flavoring”
Citric acid, Citrate (E 330)
Anything “ultra-pasteurized”
Barley malt
Pectin (E 440)
Anything “enzyme modified”
Anything containing “enzymes”
Malt extract
Soy sauce
Soy sauce extract
Anything “protein fortified”
Anything “fermented”

MSG or Glutamic acid as is found in unadulterated protein does not cause adverse reactions.  To cause adverse reactions, the glutamic acid must have been processed and manufactured or come from protein that has been fermented.

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