Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

Welcome To: Live Well Blog.

Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

You Can, Solve Your Health And Pain Issues!


Government and Corporation are

making us sick

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Don't use Chemicals on you gardens (Agent Orange).

During the Vietnam war,  researchers looked for chemicals pesticides
that could kill plants rapidly. Ever heard of the military chemical  called
‘Agent Orange.’ One of the chemicals used in Agent Orange is 2,4-D
and it is still widely used on lawns andin gardens.  Though the 2,4-D is
not the chemical that is considered to have caused the ill effects
seen with Agent Orange.  The offending agent (supposedly) is a chemical
called 2,4,5-T and that is no longer being manufactured.  2,4-D is still a
very toxic compound that is under investigation for its possible ability to
cause cancer. Three studies have suggested 2,4-D is more toxic than once
believed, so read the labels of products before you buy them. The home
user is taking great risk using this product around their home.

For more information, review this site:

The following is unconfirmed:
I was told that  Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) has been put into the DNA of Corn and it paralyzes the gut so that when consumed, one will throw up the food.  This was discovered and so the company sold the corn products to a third world country.

I was also told that Bti has also been put in many of the lakes in this country and you should not eat more than one fish a month and that women of children baring age, should not eat any.  You can buy this stuff on the internet.

The poisons is everywhere and fast engulfing the world.  Think of what it is doing to the water supply.  Someone has to stop these (evil) people.

The unscrupulous are killing us and you are doing noting about it!

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