Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

Welcome To: Live Well Blog.

Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

You Can, Solve Your Health And Pain Issues!


Government and Corporation are

making us sick

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Obesity can go away without dieting - Stop eating the poison in the store bought food!

High sugar content in food is not the complete answer in the cause of obesity.  It is High Fructose Corn Syrup and the fact that 55% of table sugar is fructose from sugar beets and both of these sources are GMO with round up weed killer in the DNA of the fructose. One more point: There are at least 15 names for MSG found on the labels of the food we buy and if researchers want to make a lab animal fat, what do they fed it, MSG. 
So you are a lab rat if you continue to eat food with MSG in it. My family and I have chosen not to be a lab rat any more for the corporation.  I have lost more than a pound a month and much more in inches.  A new belt and three more hole put in the new belt by me and all of this in 7 months.  My daughter has lost more than 9 inches and my wife is loosing 2 to 3 pounds a month. 

Check it out: 
1. &

So how do you loose weight and slim down?  You eat organic food and make sure that there are no chemicals, especially MSG in the food you eat. 

Note: There are over 700 untested chemicals allowed in the store bought food we eat.

Another side benefit is that may get rid of diabetes or not having an onset.  Notice I did not say cure or the government could put me in jail.  Who says that we have freedom of speech?  The corporations and the government (who is supposed to protect us) are in bed together with the laws that they have created to curtail our freedom to speak and our freedom of choice in the food we choose to eat.  They used to call this fascism
( a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology.

Case and point: The Amish farmer who sold raw milk and the purchaser took it across state lines and the FDA raided the farm and took the farmers products and threatened him will jail.  Thankfully the state stepped in and stopped the harassment.

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