Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

Welcome To: Live Well Blog.

Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

You Can, Solve Your Health And Pain Issues!


Government and Corporation are

making us sick

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Micronutrients Enable The Body To Fix Itself

Micronutrients  are a great subject to explore to find out what the can do for your body. 

The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in mental health | Julia Rucklidge | TEDxChristchurch

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Juicer - FYI

According to Dr. Day and others, this is the best juicer on the market.  
About $2500.00

Juicer Store Stainless.jpg

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Teeth - How To Take Care Of Them - So Simple!

I just watched her for the first time today and she has great amount of information on oral hygiene.  
The video is not long and you can use the You Tube setting to speed it up for fast listening. 
I love it.


Coconut, Dementia & the fix of the future - now

This is so important, since 50% of the current population is expected to have dementia.
There is more to know.

Notes from video: A Dr. Richard Veech of the NIH in Maryland, has figured how to to make mct in the laboratory and  testing had begun in 2012 for the right dosage and for potential side effects.  At that time it all was positive.   It is called ketone ester and may be ready for market in 2016.  

The following is a comment below the following You Tube video, about coconut oil and dementia:  

Dr. Abram Hoffer MD/PHD, co-founder(with Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling) of science of Orthomolecular Nutrition, Orthomolecular Medicine and Orthomolecular psychiatry first reversed a severe case of Alzheimers in his mother over 50 years ago.  You can read about his treatment program in his books, 'Orthomolecular Medicine For Everyone' and "Smart Nutrients: Prevent and Treat Alzheimer's, Enhance Brain Function". The principal orthomolecular substance he used was niacin, 1 gram, 3x a day plus other vitamins, efas, amino acids.  Statin drugs cause Alzheimers. Hoffer also found 3 grams of naicin was more effective than statin drugs. This was widely published and verified, but highly suppressed.  The 'miracle' enzyme serrapeptase may also be effective in reversing alzheimers.  Since the brain needs cholesterol as well as EFA a daily dose of 2 +raw organic eggs may be of significant benefit. Some NDs suggest Alzheimers patients eat as many as six raw eggs a day.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Medicine - The Big Lie - Drugs Are Not Medicine - Food Is!

 Food is the best cure and that is why I don't eat processed food or non organic food. 
Get Cured By Poison - Not Me! 

Big Pharma has a Monopoly in Medicine!

  • Carnegie and Rockefeller put other treatment doctors and treatment colleges out of business.
  • Kemo gives you more cancer and makes the cancer more aggressive
  • Doctors are your local community drug dealer
  • Big Pharma is the worst of drug dealers because they are legal and viewed as credible
  • Our government is involved in helping and promoting 
  • Know this, it is about MONEY - yours, the insurance company's and the Government(s)
  • Drugs are not safe and effective
  • Doctors are ignorant because of their training  -  I call them stupid smart people.  Just last week I tried to explain to a doctor that his view of fat was wrong.  He could not and would not hear me.  I am so sick (pun intended) of doctors that make us more sick.  This year I have cured 3 conditions by using food.    Thank God for the internet and the people who share on it.  We can actually become our own doctors in many respects.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Curcumin: The Color Boosts The Mood

Curcumin - More Data

  • Curcumin extract (bright yellow-orange color)  rivals antidepressant drugs  
  • From the Turmeric root 
  • Used much in asian Medicine
  • Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Hundreds of test tube, animal, and human
  • Supports immune-system and brain health
  • Curcumin is not well-absorbed by itself, when extracted from turmeric
  • Should be taken as a whole food with it's turmeric volatile oils. (Products rarely include)
  • Curcumin should also be taken with 3% black pepper to increase absorption by 4000%, it is said. ( piperine – a compound in black pepper that increases the absorption rate.)
  • Five animal studies
  • Eight human clinical trials
  • Effects of Curcumin are similar to Prozac® without side effects
  • No adverse drug like  effects.
  • Eases major depression
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Stimulator for neurogenesis
  • Raises levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin
  • Inhibits release of glutamate in nerve terminals of the brain's pre-frontal cortex - glutamate is damaging
  • Enhance absorption by cooking the fresh, sliced root with vegetable or animal fats and according to others, taken with fish oil helps also. Note: I prefer to mostly eat it raw in things like a smoothie, so as to not destroy some of the nutritional value.

For more details see source:

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Brain Diseases - Curcumin Fights it

How I use curcumim: I ad about 3% black pepper to the curcumin and it is said to become 4000 times more absorbable. I do one to two teaspoons with black pepper per day.   

Scientists used to think, that people who use medications’, like these anti-inflammatories
  •  aspirin  
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) such as naproxen
  • indomethacin 
  • ibuprofen
 were significantly less likely to develop Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease effects and some still due.   These are man made drugs with dangerous side effects and the big Pharma is not going to tell you how dangerous the long term use is.  They have done studies that show these drugs reduce dementia.  Probably done or commissioned by big pharma. Don't know.


(One  study, published in the journal Neurology, found that elderly individuals who took NSAIDs are more likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's disease. - )
It has been discovered that some anti-inflammatories, such as corticosteroids, actually increased people’s risk for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in people. 

(Corticosteroids are medications commonly used by people with asthma.)

 Curcumin a natural substance in Turmeric can reduce the risk of these degenerative brain diseases, while conventional treatments still offer little hope.

 Drugs have been developed for these conditions with side effects
  • extremely toxic 
  • many complications, yet 
  • offer little benefit for the condition 
Curcumin - A natural compounds   combats Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s  
  • Animal studies have be done.
  •  curcumin addresses the cause of the problem of neurodegenerative brain diseases. 
  • reduces amyloid by eight different mechanisms
  • dramatically reduces the amount of this toxic substance in the brains of animal with Alzheimer’s disease. 
 Studies have shown that curcumin does things no other known substance can do:
  •  Reduces the formation of any amyloid in the brain
  • Reduces the formation of amyloid plaque 
  • Dissolves amyloid plaque once it has formed
  • Curcumin can do these things in very low concentrations 
  • Results are attainable by oral supplementation
  • It also significantly reduces its toxicity - Doubling its benefits against Alzheimer’s disease  
  • It does this in very small concentrations. 
  • Ad about 3% black pepper to the curcumin and it becomes 4000 times more absorbable
  • Curcumin easily enters the brain, so its benefits are immediate.
  • ( I also talked to a gentleman in the store the other day and he said a tablespoon at night reduces the pain in his heals.  My daughter tried it and it work for her.)
  • Inexpensive way to buy, is to buy the herb, powered or the root and grind it up yourself
  • The fresher the tumeric the more nutrients are retained
  • Mix it in a little milk or juice is not the best, but it works for me.
  • The best would probably be a smoothty.
  • better than medicine
Deffinition of Amyloid plaques: Amyloid plaques are sticky buildup which accumulates outside nerve cells, or neurons. Amyloid is a protein that is normally found throughout the body. For reasons as yet unknown, in AD, the protein divides improperly, creating a form called beta amyloid which is toxic to neurons in the brain.

 One  study, published in the journal Neurology, found that elderly individuals who took NSAIDs are more likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's disease. -
Until more research is done, doctors advise against taking NSAIDs to prevent Alzheimer's and demetia disease.  The   drugs can have  serious side effects in high doses and/or when used long term. -

Friday, September 25, 2015

Keto - weight loss made easy

Ketogenic or Keto for short - The best for weight loss and best for health!

I just watched a video debate on YouTube, with all 3 claiming that they were correct in their understanding of obesity. They were all wrong. I know, I did it, (lost weight) and with no hunger. Low fat, low carbs vs high Fat, High Protein. They never even talked about he chemicals in the food that cause you to be hungry for more or the fact that the hy-bread wheat sold in all stores around the world, that suppresses 2 hormones in our brain, that tell us when we are full.

The food industry is out to get us and we are not going to take it any more!.

To lose weight

Keto formula: 
1. it is 5 to 10 % carbs 
2. 10 to 15% Protein and 
3. 75 to 85% Fat.  
Once the ideal weight is reached, then you stay at 
4. 20 carbs or less and 
5. 15 to 20 % protein and 
6. 60 to 70% fat.  

Everyone wins at 1.5 to 2.5 pounds of weight loss per week.  That is up to 10 pounds per month.

  • Make it organic and it will be easier to lose weight
  • Stay away form almost all of the processed food.
  • Make your own Ice cream, with stevia as the sweetener and have that for dinner - lose 2 pounds
  • Lots of eggs
  • lots of bacon
  • Chicken wings fried in coconut oil
  • lots of avocados and guacamole
  • lots of cream - Grass fed is best and of course organic
  • Sausage, that is high in fat and low in protein
  • 15 to 20% fat content in you burger - cook it so it is scorched a bit on the outside to hold the juices in - you need the fat.
  • eat a lot of salads with homemade dressings or organic purchased with no sugars
  • lots of cheese - Grass fed is best and of course organic
  • Some milk is ok, but make it grass feed.
  • All dairy should be grass fed, and at the very least organic
  • All eggs should be organic and no soy in the chicken feed - Soy is a cancer promoter and goes from chicken beak to chicken egg and we eat that.  Not good.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Coconut Milk Without The Poisons

Here are 3 ways to make Coconut milk at home and very easily.
Make it at home.

Method 1
1.  Canned organic coconut milk - no BPA - Just coconut milk and maybe water
2.  Pour into blender
3.  Add 4 cans of purified water -no chlorine is best
4.  Blend or shake for 1 to 1-1/2 minutes

Method 2:
1.  Add 2 cups organic, shredded coconut. into a blender
2.  Add 4 cups of purified water
3.  Blend for 2 - 2.5 minutes or there abouts
4.  Filter out the dried coconut meat with a strainer

Method 3:
1.  Coconut mana organic
2.  Add 4 cups of water
3.  Blend for a couple of minutes

  • Ever read the label of what is in the store bought coconut milk?
  • Not good for you.
  • These should all store in glass jar in fridge for about 5 days.
  • Always store food in glass jars, not plastic as chemicals can leach into your food.

Note: Sudies done in the 1940s, where cows for fed coconut lost weight.  They were trying to fatten them up and the cows lost weight, no matter how much they were fed coconut.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Magnesium Deficiency & Keto


The Ketogenic way of eating has one draw back.  
That is the fact that you tend to lose magnesium, potassium and salt. 
I suggest you get the "Mega Food" supplement which contains Calcium - Magnesium - Potassium. 
This is a whole food, & whole foods are the best way to to get your minerals.
Never buy any mineral supplement made from rocks. This will do more damage than good.

Symptoms for a magnesium Deficiency 
  •                          Headache                         
  •                         Muscle cramps                        
  • Weak muscles
  • Weak bones
  • Diabetes
  • Low energy levels
  • High blood pressures
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Muscle pain   
  • Constipation
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Avocados
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Bananas

Watch this video by Dr. Josh Axe.
(About 6 minutes)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Ketogenic Lifestyle Supplements - That Are Needed

I found this really great company.  

     I called them to ask about how they made their products and I was impressed.  They are GMO project verified and when you eat their supplements, you are eating a whole food.  I started off with the plain magnesium and what was explained to me, was that, the yeast eat the magnesium and they bottle it up we eat the yeast, which is full of magnesium.  

I read on another site that you should take about 450 mg per day for about 20 days and then drop down to about 100 mg per day.  The site suggested time released. I just spread the capsules out to ever 2 - 4 hours during the day.  A consult with your doctor is recommended here, for blood work.  I will be doing this shortly myself to find out what minerals I am deficient in.

    I found that in 2 days, the muscle cramps in my legs and feet stopped.  I had become deficient in Magnesium, and probably potassium and salt also.  because of eating the "Ketogenic way", this is what happens until your body gets used to eating this way.  Just from my continuing research.  

 I just purchased the combination supplement containing Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium, by "Mega Food".      I am totally pleased with how this works.  


The following is a quote form: 
"This is another side effect of the loss of minerals, specifically magnesium. In their excellent book The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living: An Expert Guide to Making the Life-Saving Benefits of Carbohydrate Restriction Sustainable and Enjoyable, Drs. Jeff Volek and Stephen ... 
"NOTE: if you have kidney problems or kidney failure, don't take oral magnesium supplements without checking with your doctor. "
Form the reading that I have done, never take mineral supplements that are derived from "ROCKS". This will do more harm than good.  Plant based is the best.
This is a very good site for understanding the Keto way of eating.

Next: Following is another supplement that I am using 


Again from Mega Food 
Vitamin D - 3 
which contains the following 2 main nutrients
For more details, view:   

1,  Beta-glucan  -     

A published study in the current issue of International Journal of Cosmetic Science,  
  • treatment of skin disorders and removing fine lines and wrinkles  
  • promotion of wound healing and 
  • reduction in scarring following surgical procedure
  • Beta-glucan is the soluble fiber found in the cell walls of oat kernels. 
  • Oat has a long history of safe use 
  • providing fast, temporary relief of itching and pain associated with minor skin irritations
  • improve the appearance of smoother skin and has helped wound healing.   

Plus +

2.  Glutathione

Glutathione is involved in many body  processes
  • Glutathione is a substance produced naturally by the liver.
  • found in fruits, vegetables, and meats.
  • for treating cataracts and glaucoma
  • preventing aging, 
  • treating or preventing alcoholism, asthma, cancer, heart disease(atherosclerosis and high cholesterol - Keto does this.), hepatitis, liver disease, diseases that weaken the body’s defense system (including AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome), memory lossAlzheimer’s disease, osteoarthritis, and Parkinson’s disease. 
  • Glutathione maintains the immune system - working against metal and drug poisoning.
  • male infertility
  • treating of diabetes 
  • lung diseases
  • tissue building and repair, 
  • makes chemicals and proteins needed by the body, and for the immune system.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Food Babe Email To Me.  I just received this today.      

Food Babe's profile photo
Food Babe

Hi there!

First, I’ve got a confusion to clear up. Many people, especially health conscious folks like us are avoiding this medicinal fruit because we fear that it is GMO… There's magic here if you know what to look for and I explain it all in this brand new post.

Speaking of GMOs, there’s an urgent action needed today to stop a very dangerous bill that is expected to pass in the House any day now, which threatens our right to GMO labeling.
This bill - H.R. 1599 - has been dubbed the DARK Act (Deny Americans the Right to Know Act) as it would make it illegal for states to require GMO labels on food, and GMO products could even be labeled as "Natural".

This bill also threatens the integrity of organic farming, because it would make it illegal for states and counties to restrict the planting of GMOs - which may lead to GMO contamination on organic farms. 

Fortunately, it’s really easy to call Congress and urge them to vote NO on H.R. 1599.
All you need to do is call this number: (202) 224-3121.     

Give them your zip code and they'll connect you with your rep. It only takes a few minutes – and you’ll be part of history if we can stop this bill together. 

Thank you for your amazing activism.
I just called mine.  How about you?  

They are voting this week in congress according to my Oregon congressman's office.  You know some of these congress people have had donations to there campaigns for this to get through.  Did your's get some money from "corporate big food".

Friday, July 17, 2015

What The Heck Is MMF?

A woman with CP took this for 4 months, and  according to Dr. Hodson, PHD, and she grew new muscle, in her side.

I introduced a neighbor to this and he said the first day, he was without pain in ,his nee that had been there for 10 years.
He also said that after a couple of days that he was able go almost all day without his back pain meds.

Then his friend, came by and said, "I have to have this for my wife".  So he ordered 2 months supply and I talked to him a week later.  I asked how she was doing and he said that his wife had a much better mood. Then a week later, he told me that she was now noticing that she felt better, but could not explain it.  He is one happy man.

Have you seen it? Engage Global has the most clinically validated micronutrient supplement available--MMF--and many of the references to the validation and research that led to the creation of MMF, such as clinical trials.  Note the list below.
  • Recovery of US Marines at the Mountain Warfare Training Center
  • Treatment of US Marines injured in Iraq
  • Radioprotection of DNA from radiation
  • Increased immune function and oxidative damage reduction
  • Audiology improvement
  • Strengthened cardiovascular health in First Responders
  • Mitigation of diabetes mellitus at Walter Reed
  • Laboratory attenuation of Parkinson’s and other disease
Our national Department of Defense and NASA under Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, or CRADAs, made this and other unpublished research possible, such as:

  •          NASA Space Act Agreement for Radiation Protection
  •         US Navy CRADA for Blast Injuries
  •         US Navy CRADA for Protection at Cold, High Altitudes
  •         US Army CRADA for Mustard Gas Protectio 
  •         US Army CRADA for Diabetes Management

The research behind MMF is invaluable, and several patents protect it, including:

·         US Patent No. 6,849,613
·         US Patent No. 7,399,755
·         US Patent No. 7,449,451
·         US Patent No. 7,605,145
·         US Patent No. 7,628,984
·         US Patent No. 7,635,469
·         US Patent No. 8,221,799

MMF has transformed the health of thousands of people all over the United States, and we're just getting started. With the convincing research and history behind MMF and promising testimonials from our members, you can be assured that MMF will make you the “healthiest version of you that you c
an be.   


MMF Repairs your DNA
100% in 24 hours

In 2 different DNA analyses MMF Helped the body reduce Double Strand Brakes Caused By CT Scans by 58% within 60 minutes, and helped initiate total repair to baseline levels within 24 hours. (Department of Radiology, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany)    

Getting an xray form your doctor or dentist?

If you don't have MMF  Click here!

How to get it for free!

*Refer any 3 people who purchase the same amount of MMF as you, 

or greater,  

and your MMF is free!

Or Be a Vet

Health improvements
  • Mental acuity is greatly improved
  • Alzheimer's  disappears in 60 Days
  • Diabetes - legs about to be amputated no longer needs to use a walker, keeps his legs & in about 30 days gets his job back.   He is now a young 67 yr. old
  • Stage 4 kidney disease has improved to stage 2 and still improving.
  • Downs syndrome - better healing of broken bones and improved thinking.
  • In one week no need in a gentlemen's need.
  • My neighbor in the fist day, the pain in his was gone. It had been 10 years of pain.
  • My neighbor's friend came to me and asked to purchase MMF for his wife.  A week later, he told me that his 70 year old wife was much more calm.  A week after that, she stated that she felt better but couldn't explain why, yet.
  • Migraine headaches - gone in 30 days 
  • A business associate of mine - he thought he was dying and now the color is coming back in his legs - Just 2 weeks
  • DNA Repair
  • Brain health
  • improved sexual function
  • And a whole lot more, and more and more... 
  • Get your health up, you have what you need to enjoy life.

Disclaimer: MMF - does not cure anything

Thursday, July 16, 2015

How Evil Is Your Doctor - What you don't know

                                 Your Doctor will lie to you!              Don't Trust the Medical profession!


This is absolutely evil behavior by the medical profession - Don't let they do this to your children

  • Autism in your children
  • Pain in your children 
  • Sickness in your children
  • Effective sickness in your children - destruction of your children
  • Your kinds are treated as animals by doctors (herd immunity) 
  • Get the vaccine and you still get sick
  • Pay your doctor - hurt your children
  • Make your children sterile
  • Food allergy in your children
  • Destroy your children - make the doctors/ big pharma rich and satisfy the government eugenics
  • Aluminum in your children - causes dementia - stays in the brain and causes problems
  • Mercury in your children - kills cells & causes dementia
  • 62 toxic chemicals in your children  
  • Put cancer in your children
  • Destroy your milin ?
  • Death via vaccine
  • SV40 virus = Brain tumors in your children 
  • leukemia in your children
  • Brain hemerages  
  • Chronic disease for a life time
  • Still get the viruses 
  • The vaccines do damage to teenages & adults also  (You too)
  • And on and on and on...
At least 20 % of children get ill - will your children be one of them?

Medical profession is a money making religious belief system

1988 the disease rate started to rise again -  We need to look at GMO foods. 

Get politically involve - Run for office and change things - call your reps and senators - call media

Suggestion:  Eat ketogenically and get healthy - Say no to vaccines - practice civil disobedience 

Vaccine Dangers - Dangers From Your Government

Big pharma, with the power of Government, via doctors and nurses, 
are out to get you and control you,
and make you sterile! 

big pharma : A syringe tries to stitch a planet earth balloon with africa in foreground. Isolated vector illustration on white background.Image result for free pictures of doctors with needles




Must watch - details - in this video: 

Polysorbate 80
(used as a spermicide)
They put that in your vaccines also.
So who is the vaccine really benefit?
Certainly not you and me!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Food label Polls -What we want and why we don’t get it

Rasmussen polls what Americans think 
about on some food issues

What we want and why we don’t get it – The corporations own our government. Is it not obvious? 
  • This is why we don’t get what we want. The servants are now our rulers, bought and paid for by the corporations. 
  • Unconstitutional behavior, but what isn’t these days.  Wake up people, the republic and freedom is gone. 
  • They just haven’t dropped the hammer yet.  We frogs are not going to survive if we don’t get out of this pot.

      1.   Do you agree or disagree with the FDA’s Decision to require the food industry to phase out partially hydrogenated oils, the main cause of trans fat, over the next three years?
Agree        67%
Disagree  20%

·     2.    How important is it to you to buy food that is locally grown or raised.
Important           77%
Not Important    22%

·    3.   Should the federal government require labeling for any food with GMOs?
Yes         73%
No          15%

We want it, but they won't let us have it.  They don't listen, yet we keep reelecting them. 
We need to replace them with honest, unselfish servants.  Know any?

Information from Rasmussen polls:

Monday, July 6, 2015

Grass feed Organic Raw Milk, Why?

Outline of some of the good in raw milk and the bad in Factory store bought milk.
See Below video!
Raw Milk Goodness Content: 
  • All 20 standard amino acids  
  • Digestion enzymes, 
  • Immune system support, and growth
  • Essential fatty acids such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
  • Vitamins A, D, 
  • Niacin, 
  • Riboflavin, 
  • Thiamine, 
  • B6, 
  • B12,
  • Pantothenic acid, 
  • Folic acid, 
  • Phosphorus, 
  • Zinc, 
  • Potassium,
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Other trace elements
  •  lactoferrin - an iron-binding protein which has anti-cancer, anti-viral and anti-microbial properties.
  • For more Details: 
Note:  Pasteurization destroys natural nutrition in raw cow milk, so vitamins must added at the end of the pasteurization process, especially the fat soluble vitamins A and D. Are those GMOs.

Store Bought/ Dairy Factory Milk 
What Factory Farms Feed The Cows: 

  • of food, feed, and industrial processing that might otherwise be discarded as waste
  • Ecconomics ...uncommon feeds should be used with caution and introduced into the ration gradually, even when low prices favor their use.  possible toxicity or contamination with pesticides or heavy metals, and the effects on digestion and utilization of the total ration are factors that must also be carefully considered.
  • Blood Meal Produced from clean, fresh animal blood
  • Soybeans and soybean meal -  Probably GMO
  • Corn - Probably GMO
  • Poultry Meal Consists of ground, rendered, clean parts of carcasses of slaughtered poultry, such as necks, feet, undeveloped eggs,  
  • Candy
  • Bakery Waste Pastry products from stores or bakeries. May be received without drying or removal of the wrappers
  • Potato Waste Potato processing waste. Usually a mixture of various components: steam peel, raw chip, french fries and cooked potato. 
  • Fish Meal Clean, dried ground tissue of undecomposed whole fish or fish cuttings, either with or without extraction of part of the oil.
  • Urea, a chemical compound found in urine, although it is also made artificially.  
  • More Details:  ( )

                   Grass Feed Cows - Is What The Creator Intended For Our Health!

                                              Cows Were Created To Eat Grass

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Doctors paid off, by Big Pharma to poison you!

  • What do doctors do?  
  • They collect Money:  $6.5 billion... from pharmaceutical companies in 2014.  
  • Who are doctors? Your local drug pusher.   (include hospitals here too.)
  • There is a government report, (See here:  
  • Physician prescribing habits suggests they are driven by payments from big Pharma companies.
  • Pfizer, the largest U.S. drug maker Paid: $53.3 million in general payments.
  • One Doctor, a pediatric geneticist from Illinois, received almost $447,000 from Pfizer in 2014  

When government partners with Corporations, what happens?
They put the small time street pusher in jail and pay off the doctors to do their bidding.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” 
― Hippocrates

Suggestion:  Eat real whole foods, cut out sugar and all grains and you will get healthy.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

People Will Talk - There is a point to the movie!

     A heart warming story from 1951, about medical academia, trying to destroy a doctor who goes against the grain of the Medical profession.  The medical profession still has not changed and .... Truly, we need to thank God for the internet, You Tube and the doctors on You Tube, who provide us this this information for free. These are wonderful men and women , as is the doctor in this movie.  We are blessed to have all this free information online so we can figure out things for ourselves and get the correct information.
Please enjoy the movie!

                      1951 People Will Talk

Final note.
A few hours ago, I was talking to a man in the store, and I was able to send him to the "You Tube", to learn how to get his High blood pressure reduced.  So he can stop paying his drug dealer, his doctor, and his supplier - big pharma, all that money,be free of the drugs, and be healthy. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Organic Strawberries are not always organic -

Corporations and Government (FDA) continue to deceive!

Note:  Certified organic strawberries aren’t necessarily so organic after all.
  • Some organic strawberries are fumigated with toxic chemicals, including methyl bromide, at the beginning stages of their life-cycle. This stuff kills people just being around it (See Link)
  • Methyl bromide, is used to sterilize the soil   strawberries are planted in. 
  • Not sprayed on the fruit. 
  • A soil fumigant that kills almost everything it touches. 
  • A lot of hybridized seeds have been created that can only grow in a sterile soil.
  • in order to have healthy plants with nutritious fruit, insects, microorganisms and earthworms, are needed to turn the nutrients, into a form that the plants can use.  Top soil is created.  
  • Eating these kinds of treated strawbarries does not give the best health even if they are labeled organic.

EPA-approved pesticide is Bad

  • "The compound attacks the central nervous system, and damages the lungs and kidneys. It has been linked to reproductive disorders, including birth defects".  For more details:
  • microorganisms and earthworms convert animal and vegetable waste into humus.
  • Methyl bromide is also associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer  
NOTE:  Safeway Stores have affirmed to me that their organic strawberries are truly organic with nothing sprayed on them, or the seeds, or the ground they are grown in.
We buy these and grow our own.
  • rotating strawberries with other crops like broccoli or a suitable cover crop. Broccoli is a natural fungicide and protects strawberries.
  •  Methyl Iodide is not, a better replacement 
  • "More than 50 scientists, including five Nobel laureates, stated in a joint letter, “As chemists and physicians familiar with the effects of this chemical … we urge you to do whatever is possible to prevent this chemical from ever becoming a registered pesticide.”
Strawbarries:- Ref:

I suggest buying organic, heirloom seeds. The following site tells you how to start your strawberry seeds - here.