A woman with CP took this for 4 months, and according to Dr. Hodson, PHD, and she grew new muscle, in her side.
I introduced a neighbor to this and he said the first day, he was without pain in ,his nee that had been there for 10 years.
He also said that after a couple of days that he was able go almost all day without his back pain meds.
Then his friend, came by and said, "I have to have this for my wife". So he ordered 2 months supply and I talked to him a week later. I asked how she was doing and he said that his wife had a much better mood. Then a week later, he told me that she was now noticing that she felt better, but could not explain it. He is one happy man.
Have you seen it? Engage Global has the most
clinically validated micronutrient supplement available--MMF--and many of the
references to the validation and research that led to the creation of MMF, such
as clinical trials. Note the list below.
- Recovery of US Marines
at the Mountain Warfare Training Center
- Treatment of US
Marines injured in Iraq
- Radioprotection of DNA
from radiation
- Increased immune function and oxidative damage reduction
- Audiology improvement
- Strengthened cardiovascular health in First Responders
- Mitigation of diabetes mellitus at Walter Reed
- Laboratory attenuation of Parkinson’s and other disease
Our national Department of Defense and NASA under Cooperative Research and
Development Agreements, or CRADAs, made this and other unpublished research
possible, such as:
- NASA Space Act
Agreement for Radiation Protection
- US Navy CRADA for
Blast Injuries
- US Navy CRADA for
Protection at Cold, High Altitudes
- US Army CRADA for
Mustard Gas Protectio
- US Army CRADA for
Diabetes Management
The research behind MMF is invaluable, and several patents protect it,
US Patent No.
US Patent No.
US Patent No. 7,449,451
US Patent No. 7,605,145
US Patent No. 7,628,984
US Patent No.
US Patent No. 8,221,799
MMF has transformed the health of thousands of people all over the United
States, and we're just getting started. With the convincing research and
history behind MMF and promising testimonials from our members, you can be
assured that MMF will make you the “healthiest version of you that you can

MMF Repairs your DNA
100% in 24 hours
In 2 different DNA analyses MMF Helped the body reduce Double Strand Brakes Caused By CT Scans by 58% within 60 minutes, and helped initiate total repair to baseline levels within 24 hours. (Department of Radiology, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany)
Getting an xray form your doctor or dentist?
How to get it for free!
*Refer any 3 people who purchase the same
amount of MMF as you,
or greater,
and your MMF is free!
Or Be a Vet
Health improvements
- Mental acuity is greatly improved
- Alzheimer's disappears in 60 Days
- Diabetes - legs about to be amputated no longer needs to use a walker, keeps his legs & in about 30 days gets his job back. He is now a young 67 yr. old
- Stage 4 kidney disease has improved to stage 2 and still improving.
- Downs syndrome - better healing of broken bones and improved thinking.
- In one week no need in a gentlemen's need.
- My neighbor in the fist day, the pain in his was gone. It had been 10 years of pain.
- My neighbor's friend came to me and asked to purchase MMF for his wife. A week later, he told me that his 70 year old wife was much more calm. A week after that, she stated that she felt better but couldn't explain why, yet.
- Migraine headaches - gone in 30 days
- A business associate of mine - he thought he was dying and now the color is coming back in his legs - Just 2 weeks
- DNA Repair
- Brain health
- improved sexual function
- And a whole lot more, and more and more...
- Get your health up, you have what you need to enjoy life.
Disclaimer: MMF - does not cure anything