Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!
Welcome To: Live Well Blog.
Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?
Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.
This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.
You Can, Solve Your Health And Pain Issues!
Government and Corporation are
making us sick
Monday, September 26, 2011
Don't forget to read the bread labels
A danger in bread: If the bread you buy has azodicarbonamide ( look it up) in it, I suggest you call the company and tell them that you will not be buying there bread anymore until they take azodicarbonamid out of it. It is a respiratory sensitiser (a possible cause of asthma).
More people are getting cancer than ever before
A new report says more people are getting cancer than ever before. Why doesn't someone ask why. GMO and other food chemicals are why. No I can't prove it but it makes sense.
As I write this, there is a commercial playing on the radio talking about needing donations for finding a cancer cure. I say, stop eating the poison, start eating only healthy food. You need to spend time researching what to eat and what not to eat as I am doing. Then you will get well and keep the cancers away.
The published report - September issue of Lancet Oncology. The worldwide cost for cancer care: $895 billion in 2008. Expect 22 million new cancer patients by 2030. Add another $286 billion in costs. So the corporations poison us for profit and the Medical community pretends to heal us for profit. This is not conspiracy. This is fact! Just read the labels and use the internet to find out what you are eating and what it does to you. Your eating habits will begin to change and you will start getting healthier.
Stop being ignorant. It's not healthy. Right? Please join me in calling the food companies and telling them if they can't tell you that there is no GMO food in there product that you won't buy it anymore. Do the same with bad chemicals in the food. Thanks for helping if you do. Good researching to you.
As I write this, there is a commercial playing on the radio talking about needing donations for finding a cancer cure. I say, stop eating the poison, start eating only healthy food. You need to spend time researching what to eat and what not to eat as I am doing. Then you will get well and keep the cancers away.
The published report - September issue of Lancet Oncology. The worldwide cost for cancer care: $895 billion in 2008. Expect 22 million new cancer patients by 2030. Add another $286 billion in costs. So the corporations poison us for profit and the Medical community pretends to heal us for profit. This is not conspiracy. This is fact! Just read the labels and use the internet to find out what you are eating and what it does to you. Your eating habits will begin to change and you will start getting healthier.
Stop being ignorant. It's not healthy. Right? Please join me in calling the food companies and telling them if they can't tell you that there is no GMO food in there product that you won't buy it anymore. Do the same with bad chemicals in the food. Thanks for helping if you do. Good researching to you.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
NUTS: Combating the poison & lack of nutrition in the food supply
You have to do some work to keep from loosing your health and brain function. I don't want dementia or Alzheimers, do you? You had better start now.
Ah, Nuts - Before going nuts - eat them!
Walnuts Boost Inferential Reasoning:
Soak nuts before eating:
I read some time ago that grains having Phytates should be soaked overnight. This used to be done in bygone years. To have cereal in the morning the family would let the grain soak overnight, drain off the water in the morning and thus be healthier.
All nuts and seeds contain enzyme inhibitors which will neutralize some of the enzymes our bodies produce. Your body needs enzymes to survive. Note: there is another view also, click here: Phytates
Ah, Nuts - Before going nuts - eat them!
Walnuts Boost Inferential Reasoning:
Why Soak Nuts, Grains, Beans, Peas, Before Eating?
Soak nuts before eating:
I read some time ago that grains having Phytates should be soaked overnight. This used to be done in bygone years. To have cereal in the morning the family would let the grain soak overnight, drain off the water in the morning and thus be healthier.
All nuts and seeds contain enzyme inhibitors which will neutralize some of the enzymes our bodies produce. Your body needs enzymes to survive. Note: there is another view also, click here: Phytates
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The World According To Monsanto - FULL LENGTH
Watch this movie and you will be greatly educated. Monsanto is responsible for the creation of 90% of all GMO seeds and crops. This is not a nice company. It is about greed and poisoning of the public, us.
Round up effects cell division and we are getting it in our food supply. Even unborn children are getting round up.
Watch this movie and you will be greatly educated. Monsanto is responsible for the creation of 90% of all GMO seeds and crops. This is not a nice company. It is about greed and poisoning of the public, us.
Round up effects cell division and we are getting it in our food supply. Even unborn children are getting round up.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Silver for health is the best silver investing you can do.
Years ago people knew how to keep their food from going bad without chemicals. Silver coins dropped in fresh milk prevented souring and kept unhealthy bacteria from growing. When the wagon trains came west, silver dollars were dropped into the water barrows to reduce the growth of bacteria and help keep the water fresh. Now we use chemicals like chlorine, so what is that doing to our insides.
As a kid, I hated drinking chlorine tainted water, but when we went to our cabin and drank fresh well water, I loved it. Or even water direct from the river. It all tasted so good.
More on silver to come: The right kind of silver can cure cancer and most other pathogens. I will be sharing how you can get this in the weeks to come.
As a kid, I hated drinking chlorine tainted water, but when we went to our cabin and drank fresh well water, I loved it. Or even water direct from the river. It all tasted so good.
More on silver to come: The right kind of silver can cure cancer and most other pathogens. I will be sharing how you can get this in the weeks to come.
Monday, September 19, 2011
All plant life on earth could have been destroyed!
The following is excerpted form Off The Grid News: Read the rest of the article at the above link.
Life scientists who have given themselves permission to play God may accidentally create something cataclysmic and apocalyptic all on their own. And the scary thing about this possibility is that it is not theoretical – it has actually already happened.
Klebsiella Planticola: The Real-Life Frankenstein’s Monster
In the early 1990′s, a European biotechnology corporation was all set to release a genetically modified version of a common plant bacteria called klebsiella planticola, which normally helps break down dead organic material so it can be re-absorbed into the soil. The new strain of this microbe was genetically altered to create two useful substances from undifferentiated dead biomass: alcohol and organic fertilizer. The new microbes would be spread on cropland after harvest, and the products they produced from dead and dying plants could then be collected and sold on world markets.
There was only one problem with this scheme. The genetically modified klebsiella planticola, unlike the natural version, did not terminate after finishing its work. On the contrary, the new microbe survived the fermentation process it instigated in order to create alcohol from raw plant material, and if it had been released into nature as a part of fertilizer, it would have immediately attacked any plant life growing in adjacent soil, setting off a process of alcohol fermentation that would inevitably lead to the death of that plant life. As the new bacterium divided and multiplied, it would then have continued to spread from plant to plant, from field to field, from forest to forest, and so on, until it had wiped out every living plant on the face of the earth. If this genetically-engineered form of klebsiella planticola had actually been released into nature, it could have literally scoured the surface of the entire planet unless scientists had been able to come up with some kind of miracle to stop it.
What is most frightening about this situation is that this apocalypse microbe had actually been approved for use by regulatory agencies responsible for monitoring the creation of new geneticallyaltered life forms. It was only because of a fortuitous and random review of this new form of klebsiella planticola by a professor at Oregon State University that its potentially devastating effects were discovered before it could be released onto the market.
Heeding the Warnings
The story coming out of the Iowa cornfields is only the latest piece of evidence that reveals the dangerous road that we have embarked upon. God created nature in a way that was perfectly balanced and capable of meeting the needs of all creatures great or small, without the need for arrogant intervention by men and women convinced they know better. If we are not careful, we are ultimately going to genetically engineer ourselves right out of existence.
Monday, September 12, 2011
In a sentence
In a sentence
This article outlines the many harmful effects of GM or genetically-modified foods (known also as genetically-engineered foods) and representng lab-created GMOs or genetically-modified organisms...
The following is excerpted from the following website:
What is called "biotechnology" is a vital issue that impacts all of us.
Largely between 1997 and 1999, genetically modified (GM) food ingredients suddenly appeared in2/3rds of all US processed foods. This food alteration was fueled by a single Supreme Court ruling. It allowed, for the first time, the patenting of life forms for commercialization. Since then thousands of applications for experimental genetically-modified (GM) organisms, including quitebizarre GMOs, have been filed with the US Patent Office alone, and many more abroad. Furthermore an economic war broke out to own equity in firms that legally claimed such patent rights or the means to control not only genetically modified organisms but vast reaches of human food supplies. This has been the behind-the-scenes and key factor for some of the largest and rapid agri-chemical firm mergers in history. The merger of Pioneer Hi-Bed and Dupont (1997), Novartis AG and AstraZeneca PLC (2000), plus Dow's merger with Rohm and Haas(2001) are three prominent examples, Few consumers are aware this has been going on and is ever continuing. Yet if you recently ate soya sauce in a Chinese restaurant, munched popcorn in a movie theatre, or indulged in an occasional candy bar - you've undoubtedly ingested this new type of food. You may have, at the time, known exactly how much salt, fat and carbohydrates were in each of these foods because regulations mandate their labeling for dietary purposes. But you would not know if the bulk of these foods, and literally every cell had been genetically altered!
In just those three years, as much as 1/4th of all American agricultural lands or 70-80 million acres were quickly converted to raise genetically-modified (GM) food and crops. And in the race to increase GM crop production verses organics, the former is winning. For details, see our articleWho is Winning The Race Between GM Global and Organic Crop Production?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Top 10 food additives to avoid and If you don't read the labels and choose to eat the right thing, it will hurt you and your family!
Some food additives are worse than others. Food Matters suggests these as the top ones to avoid:
Artificial Sweeteners
Aspartame, also known as Nutrasweet and Equal, is believed to be carcinogenic and accounts for more reports of adverse reactions than all other foods and food additives combined.The artificial sweetener Acesulfame-K has been linked to kidney tumors. All artificial sweeteners are bad news.- High Fructose Corn SyrupHigh fructose corn syrup (HFCS) increases your LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels and contributes to the development of diabetes.
- Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)MSG is used as a flavor enhancer. It is an excitotoxin, a substance that overexcites cells to the point of damage or death.
- Trans FatNumerous studies show that trans fat increases LDL cholesterol levels and increases your risk of heart attacks, heart disease and strokes.
- Common Food DyesArtificial colorings may contribute to behavioral problems in children and lead to a significant reduction in IQ.
- Sodium SulphiteThis is a preservative used in processed foods. People who are sulfite sensitive can experience headaches, breathing problems, and rashes. In severe cases, sulfites can actually cause death.
- Sodium Nitrate/Sodium NitriteThis common preservative has been linked to various types of cancer.
- BHA and BHTButylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydrozyttoluene (BHT) are preservatives that affect the neurological system of your brain, alter behavior and have the potential to cause cancer.
- Sulphur DioxideSulphur additives are toxic and in the U.S., they have been prohibited in raw fruit and vegetables. Adverse reactions include bronchial problems, low blood pressure, and anaphylactic shock.
- Potassium BromateThis additive is used to increase volume in some breads. It is known to cause cancer in animals, and even small amounts can create problems for humans.The above was excerpted from the following website:
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Covert Sterilization...
Our family has started to not eat corn or High Fructose Corn Syrup. With 85% of the corn now GMO, It is in almost everything. Just try to find a loaf of bread with out HFCS in it. Something else I noticed at the store when looking for spaghetti sauce and Baked beans. Only one spaghetti sauce was worth looking at and it was the most expensive. That is the same with the bread. Oh, and the beans. The ones that we all learned to love are also full of HFCS. It is like people who don't have money, are stupid, so make it cheaper and we get rid of the poor in a couple of generations. Check out mice and GMO corn. 3rd Generation, they are sterile. Take a good read of the following.
The following was excerpted from this web blog:
The following was excerpted from this web blog:
Birth control made a taco, drink a coke...get a tetanus shot... ...Corn, sacred in Mexico and Central America as the very staff of life, has been turned into the very end of life. Genetic modification of corn has turned the Mexo American giver of life into the stuff that can end a race - perhaps the human race - by engendering sterility in males who eat it. modified corn is used to create high fructose corn syrup, flavors, starches, flours, proteins, sugars and most of the other ingredients which make up our processed foods. The US refuses to allow the labeling of foods which contain genetically modified ingredients (like corn) to be labeled to indicate that fact so we are looking at the possibility of undeclared birth control “foods” rendering whole populations sterile. The US Government, starting with George Herbert Walker Bush, has adopted the policy that genetically modified foods are the same as unmodified ones. The sterility corn is therefore, under this policy, the same as natural corn. ...A small California biotech company, Epicyte, in 2001 announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile. At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault. Epicyte was since acquired by a North Carolina biotech company. Astonishing to learn was that Epicyte had developed its spermicidal GMO corn with research funds from the US Department of Agriculture, the same USDA which, despite worldwide opposition, continued to finance the development of Terminator technology, now held by Monsanto. In the 1990’s the UN’s World Health Organization launched a campaign to vaccinate millions of women in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines between the ages of 15 and 45, allegedly against Tetanus, a sickness arising from such things as stepping on a rusty nail. The vaccine was not given to men or boys, despite the fact they are presumably equally liable to step on rusty nails as women. Because of that curious anomaly, Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization became suspicious and had vaccine samples tested. The tests revealed that the Tetanus vaccine being spread by the WHO only to women of child-bearing age contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG, a natural hormone which when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier stimulated antibodies rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy. None of the women vaccinated were told. It later came out that the Rockefeller Foundation along with the Rockefeller’s Population Council, the World Bank (home to CGIAR), and the United States’ National Institutes of Health had been involved in a 20-year-long project begun in 1972 to develop the concealed abortion vaccine with a tetanus carrier for WHO. In addition, the Government of Norway, the host to the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault, donated $41 million to develop the special abortive Tetanus vaccine... |
ConAgra Sued Over GMO ’100% Natural’ Cooking Oils
Right on! Let US Americans start the lawsuits rolling. We need to putt a stop to all of the poison food they are feeding us. If don't than a few generations, our children may all be sterile.
“If you use Wesson brand cooking oils, you might be able to join a class action suit against food giant ConAgra for deceptively marketing the products as natural.” One plaintiff is making waves by suing ConAgra because he relied on their “100% natural” labels, only to find out they are made mostly with genetically modified ingredients.
~Health Freedoms
“If you use Wesson brand cooking oils, you might be able to join a class action suit against food giant ConAgra for deceptively marketing the products as natural.” One plaintiff is making waves by suing ConAgra because he relied on their “100% natural” labels, only to find out they are made mostly with genetically modified ingredients.
This lawsuit may pave a way for a major rift among major food companies who have possibly gotten away with murder, spouting their “all natural” claims. The FDA turns a blind eye towards their false labeling.
Both Monsanto and WHO admit that genetically modified plants are not natural.
Along with the GMO factor, these oils contain high amounts of Omega 6 fatty acids which can hurt the heart if there are too much in the diet.
These days it’s hard to walk down a supermarket aisle without bumping into a food product that claims to be “all-natural.” If you’ve ever wondered how even some junk food products can claim this moniker (witness: Cheetos Natural Puff White Cheddar Cheese Flavored Snacks – doesn’t that sound like it came straight from your garden?) the answer is simple if illogical: the Food and Drug Administration has not defined the term natural.
So food marketers, knowing that many shoppers are increasingly concerned about healthful eating, figured: why not just slap the natural label on anything we can get away with? That wishful thinking may soon be coming to an end if a few clever consumer lawyers have anything to say about it.
While various lawsuits have been filed in recent years claiming that food companies using the term natural are engaging in deceptive marketing, a suit filed in June in California against ConAgra could make the entire industrial food complex shake in its boots.
The plaintiff claims he relied on Wesson oils “100% natural” label, when the products are actually made from genetically modified organisms.
GMOs Not Exactly Natural, So Says Monsanto
Ironically, the complaint cites a definition of GMOs by none other than Monsanto, the company most notorious for its promotion of the technology. According to Monsanto, GMOs are: “Plants or animals that have had their genetic makeup altered to exhibit traits that are not naturally theirs.”
The complaint also quotes a GMO definition from the World Health Organization: “Organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally.”
Four Wesson varieties are implicated in the case: Canola Oil, Vegetable Oil, Corn Oil, and Best Blend. And it’s not just on the label that ConAgra is using the natural claim, but also online and in print advertisements. (Additional silly health claims on the website include “cholesterol free”–vegetable oils couldn’t possibly contain cholesterol anyway.)
The complaint describes the extent of ConAgra’s deception, alleging the “labels are intended to evoke a natural, wholesome product.” And further:
The “100% Natural” statement is, like much of the label on Wesson Oils, displayed in vibrant green. The “Wesson” name is haloed by the image of the sun, and the Canola Oil features a picture of a green heart.
A green heart — you just can’t get any healthier than that. However, as registered dietitian Andy Bellatti told me: “These oils are high in omega 6 fatty acids, which in excessive amounts are actually bad for your heart.” Guess they left that part out of the green heart icon.
Supermarkets Chock-full of GMOs
But what makes this lawsuit especially intriguing is its potentially far-ranging impact. According to the Center for Food Safety: “upwards of 70 percent of processed foods on supermarket shelves — from soda to soup, crackers to condiments — contain genetically-engineered ingredients.” While it’s unclear how many of these products also claim to be natural, given all the greenwashing going on these days, it’s likely to number in the thousands.
Specifically, up to 85 percent of U.S. corn is genetically engineered as are 91 percent of soybeans, both extremely common ingredients in processed foods. Numerous groups including the Center for Food Safety have been calling attention to the potential hazards of GMOs for years. From their website:
A number of studies over the past decade have revealed that genetically engineered foods can pose serious risks to humans, domesticated animals, wildlife and the environment. Human health effects can include higher risks of toxicity, allergenicity, antibiotic resistance, immune-suppression and cancer.
Not exactly the stuff that green hearts are made of. The legal complaint also notes that on its corporate website (“but not on the Wesson site that consumers are more likely to visit”), ConAgra implies that its oils are genetically engineered. The company concludes: “Ultimately, consumers will decide what is acceptable in the marketplace based on the best science and public information available.”
But by being told the oils are “100% natural,” consumers can no longer make an informed decision as they are being misled.
Which reminds me of a great quote from Fast Food Nation author Eric Schlosser: “If they have to put the word ‘natural’ on a box to convince you, it probably isn’t.”
Michele Simon is a public health lawyer specializing in industry marketing and lobbying tactics. She is the author of Appetite for Profit: How the Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight Back, and research and policy director at Marin Institute, an alcohol industry watchdog group.
The above information was excerpted from the following Link:
Friday, September 2, 2011
MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE in your bread: I took my bread back to the store
Can we just make safe wholesome bread.
The MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE is used as fertilizer complement, in the opaque glass manufacture, and in the paint preparations for steel enamels. It is also used in the balanced mixes of feed formulas.
The most important use of the MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE in the food industry is as the acid component in the baking powders.A baking powder is defined as the mixture of materials capable to evolve gas in dough preparations, under certain conditions of humidity and temperature, once the gas is present , it expands, increasing the dough volume in such a way that the product has to form many empty cells once baked, due to the presence of Sodium Bicarbonate in the baking powder formulations. The gas evolved is Carbon Dioxide.
If it is used a baking powder having only Sodium Bicarbonate, the final product is yellowish, will have high pH, and it will not be so fluffy as when using withMONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE. In the present, the baking powder formulations have a mix of acids or leavening agents, to promote a controlled Carbon Dioxide evolution along the baking cycles, since the dough preparation, to the final part in the oven.
The MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE also works as a pH regulator in the baked product, due to the resulting buffer salts from the fermentation process.
A typical double action baking powder may have 12 % of MONOCALCIUMPHOSPHATE, 30 % of Sodium Bicarbonate, 23 % of Sodium Aluminum Sulfate, 35 % of Corn Starch.
The MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE is also used in the preparation of Phosphated flour, prepared flours and other mixes.
The MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE is used in the powder drinks preparations.
Excerpted from this website:
The MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE is used as fertilizer complement, in the opaque glass manufacture, and in the paint preparations for steel enamels. It is also used in the balanced mixes of feed formulas.
The most important use of the MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE in the food industry is as the acid component in the baking powders.A baking powder is defined as the mixture of materials capable to evolve gas in dough preparations, under certain conditions of humidity and temperature, once the gas is present , it expands, increasing the dough volume in such a way that the product has to form many empty cells once baked, due to the presence of Sodium Bicarbonate in the baking powder formulations. The gas evolved is Carbon Dioxide.
If it is used a baking powder having only Sodium Bicarbonate, the final product is yellowish, will have high pH, and it will not be so fluffy as when using withMONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE. In the present, the baking powder formulations have a mix of acids or leavening agents, to promote a controlled Carbon Dioxide evolution along the baking cycles, since the dough preparation, to the final part in the oven.
The MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE also works as a pH regulator in the baked product, due to the resulting buffer salts from the fermentation process.
A typical double action baking powder may have 12 % of MONOCALCIUMPHOSPHATE, 30 % of Sodium Bicarbonate, 23 % of Sodium Aluminum Sulfate, 35 % of Corn Starch.
The MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE is also used in the preparation of Phosphated flour, prepared flours and other mixes.
The MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE is used in the powder drinks preparations.
Excerpted from this website:
Another bad bread ingredient: Sodium stearoyl Lactylate........ Read your bread labels!
Chemical warnings about this substance:
This is a dangerous substance they are feeding it to you everyday.
Potential acute Health Effect: Hazardous in case of eye contact and inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact and ingestion. Don't get this in your eyes or you will need medical attention. This stuff can cause you to stop breathing if you inhale it. If it is swallowed call a physician immediately. Oh excuse me, that is only if swallowed in large quantities.
We now have the internet and can find out what this stuff is being feed to us with the government's approval.
Just another reason why you are getting sick. Are you Angry Yet? Tell your store mangers only order healthy food for their store shelves or you will quit buying it from him and get others to do the same.
Let's make a difference.
Some of the above information was taken from the following site:
This is a dangerous substance they are feeding it to you everyday.
Potential acute Health Effect: Hazardous in case of eye contact and inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact and ingestion. Don't get this in your eyes or you will need medical attention. This stuff can cause you to stop breathing if you inhale it. If it is swallowed call a physician immediately. Oh excuse me, that is only if swallowed in large quantities.
We now have the internet and can find out what this stuff is being feed to us with the government's approval.
Just another reason why you are getting sick. Are you Angry Yet? Tell your store mangers only order healthy food for their store shelves or you will quit buying it from him and get others to do the same.
Let's make a difference.
Some of the above information was taken from the following site:
Another bad bread ingredient: Sodium stearoyl Lactylate MSDS
Chemical warnings about this substance:
Potential acute Health Effect: Hazardous in case of eye contact and inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact and ingestion. Don't get this in your eyes or you will need medical attention. This stuff can cause you to stop breathing if you inhale it. If it is swallowed call a physician immediately. Oh excuse me, that is only if swallowed in large quantities.
We now have the internet and can find out what this stuff is being feed to us with the government's approval.
The above information was taken from the following site:
Potential acute Health Effect: Hazardous in case of eye contact and inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact and ingestion. Don't get this in your eyes or you will need medical attention. This stuff can cause you to stop breathing if you inhale it. If it is swallowed call a physician immediately. Oh excuse me, that is only if swallowed in large quantities.
We now have the internet and can find out what this stuff is being feed to us with the government's approval.
The above information was taken from the following site:
Azodicarbonamide: Another reason to avoid most bread
I just spent over an hour in Albertsons grocery store trying to buy food and bread was one of the items. I bought 2 loafs. They had no High Fructose Corn Suryp in them, but there were a couple of name that I didn't know what they were that was in one of the loafs. Azodicarbonamide was one of them. I suggest you don't smell the bread. Most of the fast food places use this Chemical. Guess what I am doing tomorrow. That's right, returning the bread. I will also tell the store clerk why and suggest he get educated by reading this blog.
Thanks for reading.
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The follow information was excerpted from the following website:
Azodicarbonamide: Another reason to avoid most bread
If you eat bread from a fast food restaurant, you should ask yourself the following questions: What is azodicarbonamide? Why is it in my bread? Why should I avoid it? Why does the FDA allow this to be used? They’re all good questions, so let’s answer them one at a time.
Q: What is azodicarbonamide?
It is a chemical whose primary use is “in the production of foamed plastics.” In the United States it is also used as a food additive and flour bleaching agent.
Q: Why is it in my bread?
According to Mark Rubi, the former baker and owner of The Lick Skillet Bakery in Boulder, Colorado, the answer is “I don’t know.” He says, “The necessary ingredients in bread are pretty basic. You need flour, water, yeast, and salt for sure. And then maybe add a little olive oil for dough consistency and a little sugar to get the yeast going. Anything else you add should just be for flavoring.” He goes on to add, “It’s strange, I look at the commercial breads available these days and the ingredient lists are scary. Take fast food, for example, the typical bun at a fast food burger chain has 20 or more chemicals in addition to the main ingredients! Is this really something I want to be eating?”
Well, for one, most of the world does not look upon the chemical additive very favorably. It is banned as a food additive and in food packaging in the United Kingdom. It is banned in most European countries as well as Australia. And its use in Singapore has some pretty severe penalties (up to 15 years in prison and $450,000 fine). The rest of the world seems to know something that those in charge of food safety in the United States either don’t know or don’t care.
According to Food Lorists, "In the UK, the H.S.E has identified azodicarbonamide as a respiratory sensitiser (a possible cause of asthma) and determined that products should be labeled with "May cause sensitisation by inhalation."
Q: Why does the FDA allow azodicarbonamide to be used?
As usual, the FDA is pretty clueless when it comes to azodicarbonamide. The FDA’s official database on food additives is called EAFUS, which stands for Everything Added to Food in the United States. EAFUS contains more than 3000 additives, including nearly 700 which have not been tested for toxicology. These untested additives are classified as EAF.
According to EAFUS, the classification for azodicarbonamide is NIL, which officially means, “Although listed as added to food, there is no current reported use of the substance, and, therefore, although toxicology information may be available in PAFA, it is not being updated.”
While much of the world has recognized that this product should not be added to food, our own Food and Drug Administration apparently doesn’t even know that most commercially made bread in the United States uses this chemical additive.
Among the big names in fast food using azodicarbonamide in their bread: McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, and Kentucky Fried Chicken. There are many more.
Note: Azodicarbonamide molecule photo from Wikipedia.
For more info: Not all bread is made with azodicarbonamide. Read the labels, but remember that some smaller bakeries might not list all their ingredients. Most large commercial bakeries do list their ingredients. Many of them also use high fructose corn syrup in their breads.
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