Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

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Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

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Government and Corporation are

making us sick

Monday, September 19, 2011

All plant life on earth could have been destroyed!
The following is excerpted form Off The Grid News:   Read the rest of the article at the above link.
Life scientists who have given themselves permission to play God may accidentally create something cataclysmic and apocalyptic all on their own. And the scary thing about this possibility is that it is not theoretical – it has actually already happened.
Klebsiella Planticola: The Real-Life Frankenstein’s Monster
In the early 1990′s, a European biotechnology corporation was all set to release a genetically modified version of a common plant bacteria called klebsiella planticola, which normally helps break down dead organic material so it can be re-absorbed into the soil. The new strain of this microbe was genetically altered to create two useful substances from undifferentiated dead biomass: alcohol and organic fertilizer. The new microbes would be spread on cropland after harvest, and the products they produced from dead and dying plants could then be collected and sold on world markets.
There was only one problem with this scheme. The genetically modified klebsiella planticola, unlike the natural version, did not terminate after finishing its work. On the contrary, the new microbe survived the fermentation process it instigated in order to create alcohol from raw plant material, and if it had been released into nature as a part of fertilizer, it would have immediately attacked any plant life growing in adjacent soil, setting off a process of alcohol fermentation that would inevitably lead to the death of that plant life. As the new bacterium divided and multiplied, it would then have continued to spread from plant to plant, from field to field, from forest to forest, and so on, until it had wiped out every living plant on the face of the earth. If this genetically-engineered form of klebsiella planticola had actually been released into nature, it could have literally scoured the surface of the entire planet unless scientists had been able to come up with some kind of miracle to stop it.
What is most frightening about this situation is that this apocalypse microbe had actually been approved for use by regulatory agencies responsible for monitoring the creation of new geneticallyaltered life forms. It was only because of a fortuitous and random review of this new form of klebsiella planticola by a professor at Oregon State University that its potentially devastating effects were discovered before it could be released onto the market.
Heeding the Warnings
The story coming out of the Iowa cornfields is only the latest piece of evidence that reveals the dangerous road that we have embarked upon. God created nature in a way that was perfectly balanced and capable of meeting the needs of all creatures great or small, without the need for arrogant intervention by men and women convinced they know better. If we are not careful, we are ultimately going to genetically engineer ourselves right out of existence.

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