Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

Welcome To: Live Well Blog.

Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

You Can, Solve Your Health And Pain Issues!


Government and Corporation are

making us sick

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Product ingredient is the best: Here is why.

Where to get Natra Burst:

We have taken our NatraBurst™ product to an even higher level in true product efficacy.  We are utilizing Brown Riceas the principle protein source in our NatraBurst™.
There are several reasons for making this change.  Rice protein supplements have been shown to:
  • Provide better assimilation by the body.  The body digests over 86% of all ingested Rice protein after approximately four hours, compared with about 57% in other forms of protein.   
  • Eliminate the allergenic response that is caused from whey protein in numerous individuals.  Food allergens and sensitivities have become more prevalent in our society. 
  • Contribute to a healthy state of alkalinity in the body.
With today’s manufacturing capabilities, the end product of Rice protein provides approximately a 90% pure, hypoallergenic, easily digested protein, with a very high total absorption rate.

Note: After 40 years, one gentleman taking the product woke up one morning and his 40 years of wheezing from his chest was gone.   WOW!  Get this product now and get healthy:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This is amazing

If only people would find this product.  It will change there lives.   Take the product and experience the benefits. Then a bonus.  They will pay you to use it.  Get the facts:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Today's recorded Testimonial Call   Phone: 712 - 432 - 1085 Pin 667219#
The testimonies you will be hearing are:
1) Rachel - Fibromyalgia, Bi-Polar,COPD -
2) Queen - Weight loss, blood pressure -
3. Latrichea - Overall Health -
4) Beverly - Hyperthyroidism
5) Ida - Holistic Health counselor on Nutritional Benefits

To Purchase Natra Burst: go to website & Get on the waiting list...Click here.
You will get a email on the 24th on how to buy. Phone # on Website home page.

Be sure to watch the videos at the bottom of this blog and read the other pages on food dangers.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

You can see this video at the following youtube location:
A little humor to show how bad HFCS is.

        This email was sent to me this morning about someone who started using Natra Burst.                             To get the product go here:
        I was just talking to a lady this morning about her sister that is in stage 4 (cancer).  She really needed to get her on this product like yesterday. 
       There is a man who has started using this product and is so energized and charged up.  The doctors are amazed. His appetite has returned in just 3 days and he wants to eat like a pig. he hasn't eaten in over 2wks. The hospital is giving him everything he wants to eat because they are so glad that he is eating. His stage 4 cancer is in the bones, lungs,spine and 2 more place for a total of 5 areas in his body. There is Nothing too hard for God and I mean Nothing.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

GMO contamination widespread throughout the U.S. food supply

GMO contamination widespread throughout the U.S. food supply:  

Shoppers wary of GM Foods Find They're Everywhere
You may not want to eat genetically engineered foods. Chances are, you are eating them anyway.
Genetically modified plants grown from seeds engineered in labs now provide much of the food we eat. Most corn, soybean and cotton crops grown in the United States have been genetically modified to resist pesticides or insects, and corn and soy are common food ingredients.
The Agriculture Department has approved three more genetically engineered crops in the past month, and the Food and Drug Administration could approve fast-growing genetically modified salmon for human consumption this year.
Agribusiness and the seed companies say their products help boost crop production, lower prices at the grocery store and feed the world, particularly in developing countries. The FDA and USDA say the engineered foods they've approved are safe — so safe, they don't even need to be labeled as such — and can't be significantly distinguished from conventional varieties.
Organic food companies, chefs and consumer groups have stepped up their efforts — so far, unsuccessfully — to get the government to exercise more oversight of engineered foods, arguing the seeds are floating from field to field and contaminating pure crops. The groups have been bolstered by a growing network of consumers who are wary of processed and modified foods.
Many of these opponents acknowledge that there isn't much solid evidence showing genetically modified foods are somehow dangerous or unhealthy. It just doesn't seem right, they say. It's an ethical issue.
"If you mess with nature there's a side effect somewhere," says George Siemon, CEO of Organic Valley, the nation's largest organic farming cooperative, which had more than $600 million in sales last year. "There is a growing awareness that our system makes us all guinea pigs of sorts."
The U.S. government has insisted there's not enough difference between the genetically modified seeds its agencies have approved and natural seeds to cause concern. But Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, more so than his predecessors in previous administrations, has acknowledged the debate over the issue and a growing chorus of consumers concerned about what they are eating.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


See ingrediants here:

Recorded Daily Testimonial Line: (previous call from 8 AM)
Phone:  712 - 432 - 1085     Pin 667219# 

Live Testimonial Phone Call:    8:00  AM   PST   M - F
812 - 432 - 0075    Pin: 667219#        

Other Live Testimonial phone Call:  5:30  PM   PST

218 - 862 - 1770 pin: 66324#            Mon - Tue -Wed - Sat

To purchase Natura Burst you must go to the website and get on the waiting list and on the 24 of the month you will receive an email that tells you how to order. This product is only sold this way. ( Yes it is mlm, but I don't care because of the health benefits that you and I can't get anywhere else for less than $2.33 a day. When you experience the health benefits you will share with others and save there lives in some cases, for that, the company will say thank you by sending you a check that grows every month.  That's a good thing.)

Users of Natra Burst have given testimony to having relief from the following Conditions:           

Acid reflux, Acne, Alergies - life long - 30 days gone, Alzheimer’s, Asthma, Autism, Cancer - stage 4 - 30 days tumors gone, Colon issues, Diabetes: gone in 60 days, Digestive disorders, Degenerativedisks in lower back, Legally blind: sight improvement  by 400 % in 25 days, Fibromyalgia, Hart palpitations,  Herniated disks, Knee pain, High blood sugar Life long allergies, Lupus -  Kathy Woodley, MS,  Night urination: having to get up every 1 to 2 hours & use the bathroom - after 45 days, sleeping 5 hrs.Night vision problems, Osteoarthritis, Over weight - 90 pound loss Shell fish Allergy, Snoring issues, Slipped disks in the neck, Thyroid - stage 4 - improvement in a week - Health mostly recovered in 30 days, Tired all the time, Toxic Environment health issues, Tumor shrinkage, Stress

You can listen to them on the testimonial line above.

This product does nothing more than give the body nutrition, which the body uses to heal it self.

Natra Burst nutrition supports the Body in ways that will amaze you. 

We are told that 70 percent of U.S. farmland is in corn and soy. Heavy use of synthetic fertilizers make it so soil can’t support the life of organisms in the soil. The results equal nutrient-poor soil.  View the other pages of this blog for more detailed information on the dangers of our food supply.

[Product statement has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please always consult with your doctor before starting any type of supplement program.]