Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

Welcome To: Live Well Blog.

Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

You Can, Solve Your Health And Pain Issues!


Government and Corporation are

making us sick

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Vaccines - Autism - Crohn's disease - other sicknesses - Sterility - Death and more >

Watch these videos and see if you don't get mad enough to do something about it.

A PHD researcher, told me a few days ago, that 50% of the young folks going go college are sterile. Bill Gates advocates putting sterility drugs in vaccines.  What do you bet that this is may be already being done, here in the USA.  I wish I could wake everyone up, but I do what I can via this blog, for the moment.  Oh, I also call my congressman and senator every week and tell there staff what I think.  I tell you it does no good and I am about to quit.  Most of them are liars and deceivers and are out for themselves, not us. Just look how they vote.  I could go on and on.  Well, enjoy the videos and let me know what you're going to do. If you wish.


Big pharma owns our Government, don't you think?  Every wonder how congress people get so rich?

Exclusive: This marathon report is anchored by a Feb 2014 Senate Hearing on vaccines, featuring Senator Elizabeth Warren and Dr. Anne Schuchat, the director of CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. They use this national platform to continue the hoax that vaccines are perfectly safe and effective.
Listen to this link:
What you should know if you decide to get a vaccine:  You won't be compensated, if you don't follow certain behaviors, should you or your children get sick or die after getting a vaccine, which does happen, and more.  Almost 3 billion dollars has been paid out and that is 1 out of 3 that apply for compensation.  Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, a non-profit organization that advocates for vaccine safety, informed consent, and supports parental choice.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Do you eat or feed your family pesticides for breakfast, every day?

If you you eat or feed your family cereal for breakfast, you most likely do.  If the cereal you eat made from corn? Is there any corn in it at all?  Because if there is, it is most likely GMO, Genetically Modified Organism.  This means that the maufactures of the seeds have spliced BT toxion and/or Round Up weed Killer into the DNA of the seeds.  

Get this – Most of the corn grown in the this country is genetically modified, and corn, is itself,  registered, as a pesticide, with the EPA.
 Check it: (

Here is a suggestion for buying a healthy cereal.  Two Moms cereal on Amazon. .  Get the grain free one, and here's why. Watch the video below on the toxicity of today's modern wheat. 

Video by Dr William Davis.

My family and I have been wheat free for about a month now and it is going very well.  We are doing it the Ketogenic way.  More on this in a blog post soon.

A note about removing the Toxins from your body if you have been eating corn. I am told that MMF supports the body and the body's process for removing toxins.  Whether or not you, stop eating corn and/ or wheat, MMF is a good nutritional support for your body..   

Saturday, February 21, 2015

7 Toxic Poisons that you may be putting in your body every day

I know this is a break from the usual food information that this blog is noted for, but after my wife said she wanted to start using this product again, I did some research.  We then realized, we could not start using it again.  The difference is that these poisons do not get into the body through the mouth, as in food, but through the nose and skin. Gosh, your kids or grand kids can be affect also. 

I. Alpha-Terpineol:  It causes central nervous system disorders. Can also cause loss of muscular coordination, central nervous system depression, and headache.

2. Benzyl Alcohol:  It causes central nervous system disorders, headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, central nervous system depression, and, in severe cases, death.

3. Camphor on the US EPA’s Hazardous Waste list. Central nervous system stimulant, causes dizziness, confusion, nausea, twitching muscles, and convulsions.

4. Chloroform:  It is on the EPA’s Hazardous Waste list. Neurotoxic and carcinogenic.

5. Ethyl Acetate:  It is on the EPA’s Hazardous Waste list and is Narcotic. May cause headaches and narcosis (stupor).

6. Linalool:  It causes central nervous system disorders. Narcotic. In studies of animals, it caused ataxic gait (loss of muscular coordination), reduced spontaneous motor activity, and depression.

7. Pentane:  It causes headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, and loss of consciousness. Repeated inhalation of vapours causes central nervous system depression.

You have just read 7 Toxic Reasons to Ditch Your Dryer Sheets

For more details I ref. the following: - Click here: 
 and here:

For the safe solution, there are 2 ways to replace your dryer sheets. 

1.  make your own pure wool balls using only un-washable wool. Put 6 to 9 of them in your dryer and works great, and you will save money, and keep your health.  
More details: 

2.  Aluminium Foil from your kitchen: 2 to 3 sheets about a foot long, ball them up together, toss it into your dryer, with cloths. Wella!  Should last about a year.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Government Nutritional Panel shows evil or ignorance - you decide!

Stop eating so much meat is there cry.  The Washington Post reports on these so call experts.  I swear, these government people, are all bought and paid for.  

All anyone has to do, is get online and read or watch videos on the subject, by doctors that dispel these so called expert statements.  Check out the "ketogenic diet" and the "Paleo diet".  Try one and your health will be improved.  Then at the same time, go organic with (grass feed only) beef. Also, if drinking milk or cream in the Keto diet, only drink grass feed milk. Otherwise, you don't get the omaga 3s your body needs.  Youtube is full of information. 

One last point.  Start taking MMF and your life of health, will be off to a faster and better start.  It took me and my family 3 years to get here.  You can do it a lot faster if you want too.  The choice is yours.  MMF  will give you a head start over every one else - Listen to the phone calls at the top of this blog.   You will be amazed.  Imagine the health issues you, your loved ones, or friends beginning to disappearing, from a few days to a few months.  

Monday, February 9, 2015

Lengthening Chromosomes May Lead to Eternal Life:

Forget the Fountain!  It will be a pill or an injection!

I found this information very exciting. The only problem is that most people eat poison in there food that destroys their body in so many ways.  Why would anyone want to live a long time with a sick poisoned body.  I think that this will have to change before we start extending human life.

I am sure this will be only available to the very rich at first.  Maybe someone in their garage will make it available for the rest of us. I have also heard that in a lab somewhere here in the us, a researcher has extended the life of mice through a different process.  I will try to find out more on this and let you know.

Before the flood, about 4000 years ago people did live to be up to 900 years old. Scripture does state that at the end of the ages, it will be as in the days of Noah, as before the flood.

Interesting thoughts.

Short explanation of what researchers have figured out:

  • Chromosomes, which protect our genes, get shorter every time a cell divides
  • Once a chromosome gets too short, it dies
  • Shortened chromosomes are associated with the diseases of aging and death
  • Researchers have found a way to lengthen human telomeres by as much as 1,000 nucleotides, turning back the internal clock in these cells by the equivalent of many years of human life

More details on the subject4:

So to get that health before the eternal life pill, get healthy here: 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Wheat from Hell - Destroying you health.

Wheat from Hell - Destroying you health.

My Family stopped eating wheat 4 weeks ago.  It does take some brain retraining.  I know every thing has grain in it - just about.

When you watch this video you will understand.   

So what we have done is fully change the way we eat, and wow, is it a good thing!  More on this in the next blog.
In the mean time enjoy the video.  Check out: website - very good info.