Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

Welcome To: Live Well Blog.

Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

You Can, Solve Your Health And Pain Issues!


Government and Corporation are

making us sick

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Stevia Sweet Stevia

I found this website for buying stevia at a good price compared to what it costs in most stores.
Myself, I love the taste of stevia, as long as I don't use to much at a time. I wish my wife liked it as much as I do.  

Details about stevia:

Store bought table sugar is 50% fructose and because they put fructose in just about everything.

The following information has been taken form Organic life style Magazine.  Some of the information is reworded and some is excerpted.

Sugar, Honey, Fructose and Glucose information


A simple sugar made by the body through digestion of carbohydrates. It is the body's chief source of energy. Glucose = dextrose.


Sucrose is table sugar. It is made from highly processed sugar cane or sugar beets. (Note: much of the Sugar beets are GMO these days.)  Sucrose is a combination of glucose and fructose these days, which separates during digestion. Pure sucrose has no nutrients.


Fructose is fruit sugar, a simple sugar, also found in honey, tree fruits, berries, and melons. But don't be fooled into thinking fructose on a label means you are eating fruit sugar. Pure crystalline fructose comes from two sources: corn or sucrose (table sugar). Corn starch (which is probably GMO which contains pesticides in the DNA of the product.) is processed to release fructose. Sucrose (table sugar) is enzymatically hydrolyzed to separate into glucose and fructose. Crystalline fructose is pure fructose that comes from one of these two sources.

High fructose syrup

High Fructose Corn Syrup is made from starches like corn, wheat, and rice. High fructose syrups contain nearly equal amounts of glucose and fructose, a composition nearly identical to sucrose (table sugar). The reason high fructose corn syrup is so abundant in our processed food is simple-it's cheaper than sugar. Because we highly subsidize corn and place tariffs on sugar imports, high fructose corn syrup is much less expensive.
Pure fructose is 1.2-1.8 times sweeter than sucrose so less is needed for the same level of sweetness. It is low on the glycemic index, therefore it does not lead to peaks and dips in the body's glucose levels. But fructose is processed in the liver. When too much fructose enters the liver at once, the liver can't process fructose as a sugar. Instead, the liver turns excess fructose into fats-triglycerides. When you incorporate these fats into our bodies cells (the cell membranes) triglycerides cause these cells to be insulin resistant. This is the reason that high fructose corn syrup leads to diabetes. Fructose is linked to significant increases of both cholesterol and triglycerides. Fructose, like sucrose-is a highly refined processed sugar devoid of any nutrition.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The American Diet - Bad News

More FYI

The USDA has stated that Americans need to eat approximately 50 % more vegetables, 150% more fruits, 250% more orange vegetables and 350% more green vegetables daily! The recommendation is 7 to 13 servings per day to improve health and prevent chronic disease. But, with today’s busy lifestyles and fast food eating habits, few American adults, and far fewer children, even eat the recommended minimum of 5-A-Day!  I believe that getting healthy food is impossible unless you read the labels and even then you can't be sure. 
You see, the government scientist know what we need to live long with health but congress has been bought off by the corporations and are deceived themselves.

Do genetically-manipulated, chemical-laden fields of crops cannot perform to the output and standards of organic farming and actually cost more to produce?

A recent 30-year study at Pennsylvania's Rodale Institute comparing conventional and organic farming methods has produced some interesting results. (Rodale Institute: The Farming Systems )
Here are some quick numbers from the study:
  • Organic methods produced 4,079 lbs per acre - conventional farming produced 4,022 lbs per acre.
  • Organic methods netted $558 per acre profit - conventional farming netted $190 per acre profit.
  • It took 3,264 megajoules of energy to produce organic crops per acre per year. It took 4,568 megajoules of energy to produce those same crops conventionally.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from organics were 906 lbs of carbon dioxide per acre a year with organics. Conventional crops produced 1,400 lbs of carbon dioxide per acre a year.
  • In years of drought, organic crops outperformed even those GMO crops designated "drought resistant."
According to Andre Leu in his article The Benefits of Organic Food, "A scientific study published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition in 1993 clearly showed that organic food is more nutritious than conventional food. Organically and conventionally grown apples, potatoes, pears, wheat, and sweet corn were purchased over two years in the western suburbs of Chicago, and then analyzed for mineral content. The organically grown food was on average 63 percent higher in calcium, 73 percent higher in iron, 118 percent higher in magnesium, 178 percent higher in molybdenum, 91 percent higher in phosphorus, 125 percent higher in potassium, and 60 percent higher in zinc. In addition, the organic food was on average 29 percent lower in mercury than the conventionally raised food." Taken from Earthly Delights: Do You Know?

This excerpt was taken from the following "Off The grid" website:

From this, I would like to suggest that if more farmers would get to growing organic, the prices in the stores would come down.  We also need to get congress to stop allowing natural seeds to be patented or in the future, you will not be able to buy organic seeds and save them from your crops if you grow your own.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The FDA Ignored Own Scientists’ Warnings About the Safety of GM Food

no gmo

Internal US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) documents reveal that the agency’s own scientists expressed doubts about its policy toward labeling genetically modified foods, while raising questions about the foods’ safety.

The FDA’s policy toward genetically modified foods has been that they are “substantially equivalent” to conventional foods and therefore don’t require special labels—unlike most other industrialized nations that require labeling.

“Profound difference” between GM and conventional foods

FDA’s policy, established in 1992, states, “The agency is not aware of any information showing that foods derived by these new (genetic engineering) methods differ from other foods in any meaningful or uniform way, or that, as a class, foods developed by the new technologies present any different or greater safety concern than foods developed by traditional plant breeding.”
But FDA internal documents released in the late 1990s during a lawsuit against the agency show that the FDA’s own scientists had serious doubts about GM foods when the policy was being established.
In a February 1992 memo, Louis J. Pribyl, Ph.D., a scientist in the FDA’s Microbiology Group, critiqued a draft of the policy by writing, “There is a profound difference between the types of unexpected effects from traditional breeding and genetic engineering which is just glanced over in this document.” Dr. Pribyl added that “several aspects of gene insertion may be more hazardous than traditional plant crossbreeding.”
Linda Kahl, Ph.D., an FDA compliance officer, objected that the agency was, “trying to fit a square peg into a round hole [by] trying to force an ultimate conclusion that there is no difference between foods modified by genetic engineering and foods modified by traditional breeding practices.” She continued, “The processes of genetic engineering and traditional breeding are different, and according to the technical experts in the agency, they lead to different risks.”
E.J. Matthews, Ph.D., of the FDA’s Toxicology group warned in an October 1991 memo, “genetically modified plants could also contain unexpected high concentrations of plant toxicants.”
In a November 1991 memo to James Maryanski, Ph.D., the agency’s Biotechnology Coordinator, FDA’s Division of Food Chemistry and Technology cautioned, “it would be necessary to demonstrate that edible seed and oils produced from genetically engineered plants do not contain unintended potentially harmful substances at levels that would cause concern.”
The above was excerpted from the following website:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Getting a vaccine these days can make you sterile, put you in a wheel chair and do a mired of other things to your body.  The put mercury in them.  I would never again take a vaccine.  How about you.

The following was excerpted from:

The H1N1 vaccine scourge is in full force and so is the push. What isn’t emphasized among the government and medical community is the strong link between the vaccine and a rare, debilitating nerve disease.
The Guillain-Barre Syndrome and death link is well known, but that doesn’t keep doctors from administering them even though 50 percent of doctors are refusing them. HFA has reported this deadly link two years ago as well as with other vaccines such as Menactra, which is pushed for babies.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Some bad things about fast food served in fast food restaurants:

Reasons I choose not to eat in fast food restaurants anymore.   
The chemical that they put in much of it will destroy your health and the health of your grand kids, if indeed you will have any because of the GMO.  (Genetically Modified Organism) McDonald s, I am told is the largest purchaser of GMO potatoes that they sell in their french frys.  Look up GMO and rats. Look up GMO corn and mice.  No more reproduction and tumors throughout the body.  These are just a few good reasons not to eat fast food.

In a report on at rats eating GMO food, the following was found. We are talking about a time frame of weeks when problems emerged from eating the GMO foods.
 ( Full study:

I don't want my kidneys to fail from eating GMO food.  "Read this from the link above: If all the data are taken together, and overall in regard to the specifically disturbed urine chemistry parameters at weeks 5 and 14
(Table 2), which were not indicated by Hammond et al. (2006), it could be concluded that a
GM-linked male renal toxicity is observed in this work".

"...greater kidney sensitivity in males and liver sensitivity in females".

Body weight:  This results in 3.3% decrease in weight for males and 3.7% increase for females.

Chocolate- is it good for you?

This gal is really sharp.  I am glad that I like dark chocolate.  The milk chocolate does not have very much good in it.  This is good information and fun to watch.