Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

Welcome To: Live Well Blog.

Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

You Can, Solve Your Health And Pain Issues!


Government and Corporation are

making us sick

Friday, April 29, 2011

Today's recorded testimonial

Testimonial Call 4-28: 
Gary W - High Blood Pressure, Knees, Colon and other testimonies712-432-1085 PIN 667219#
Gilda J. - Improved Condition with Arthritic Hip & Knee
Sharon D. - NatraBurst Experience           
Gary W - High Blood Pressure, Knees, Colon 
Greg M. - Asthma & Energy
Marilyn J, RN - Improved Vision and High Blood Pressure

I took this information from an email that I received this morning.

Why Should You Want Whole Grains?
Whole grains  (called cereals) are the seeds of grasses we use for food, which haven't had their bran and germ removed through refining or milling. Some common whole-food grains are wheat, rice, oats, rye, barley, and buckwheat. Whole wheat contains around 16 minerals and 11 vitamins.
Stay Away From Refined Grains, Here Is Why
Refined grains like white rice or white bread have both the bran and germ removed from the grain, and that's where most of the nutritional value and synergistic health benefits are found.
Government recognizes the shortcomings of nutritionally empty refined flour and mandates manufacturers to add back thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and iron (making "enriched" white bread for instance). But enriched flour doesn't have nearly as many nutrients or naturally occurring fiber as nature provides.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chronic fatigue

Ms. M had chronic fatigue syndron and had to move 45 minutes away from where she, her husban and 3 kids where living to a house next door to her mother in law.  The mother in law helped take care of the kids because she was having to take 3 naps a day.  She had purchased the product Natra Burst because she wanted to start a home business.  For 5 months she put the product in her closet.  She had decided one day to quit the company but before she did, she was at the store and heard someone talking about 124.  She started talking to this person about it and did so for the next 3 hours.  So she went home and tried the procduct and in less then 2 weeks had the energy of the energizer bunny.  4 months later she is still going strong and no naps.  She has also lost 30 pounds.

People just need to try Natra Burst and get the nutrition.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Signatures for the petition

John McCain another progressive freedom taker.

Reject S. 3002 - The Nutritional Supplement Prohibition Act

If you are using Natra Burst, consider yourself fortunate.  They are coming after supplants now, but maybe our product later.  So call your congress person and tell them to leave us alone.  Kill the McCain bill.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Monsanto Cash Helped Fund Bill to Stifle Whistleblowers In Iowa

Corporations and Government working together for our destruction.  If we the citizens know how our food is processed and what is in it we would have an even higher degree of anger.  Since this is not going to change overnight, then we need to be taking Natra Burst to help our bodies fight what the food suppliers are doing to the food we eat from the stores.

Get the full story here:

The following is a quote from the site: 
"Should the bill pass, it will become illegal to produce undercover videos at various types of agricultural facilities (as well as to get a job at a facility with the express intent of producing a video)"

Friday, April 15, 2011

Government doing big pharma's biding again.

 I received this in my email today from a friend.


The noose around your neck tightens as PhRMA and Monsanto add billions to future profits with new “law,” just as they have by barring stem cells which actually help humans.

As if Congress does not have enough urgent work to do, a bill has just been introduced that would vastly expand the FDA's power to put food makers in jail for ten years---NOT for selling contaminated food, but for using scientific truth to sell the healthiest food to you!  And it is a sure bet to pass.

Just a few days ago, we learned that a walnut grower capitulated to FDA pressure and removed truthful health claims from its website. The bill just introduced in the Senate would grant the FDA far more draconian powers to censor this kind of health information.

This Senate bill will enable the FDA to incarcerate food makers if they cite findings from peer-reviewed published scientific studies on their websites.

The pretext for these draconian proposals is a bill titled the Food Safety Accountability Act (S.216).The ostensible purpose of the bill is to punish anyone who knowingly contaminates food for sale. Since there are already strong laws to punish anyone who commits this crime, this bill serves little purpose other than enriching pharmaceutical interests and Monsanto by censoring what healthy food makers can say about their products, forcing more and more people to use toxic drugs and Monsanto genetically-modified toxic foods.

The sinister scheme behind this bill is to exploit the public's concern about food safety, which is why this year and last you see never-ending reports of contamination problems.  Drug companies and Monsanto OWN both parties and both houses of fascist Corporate Amerika's Congress, so that passing an overreaching law to grant the FDA powers to define contamination any way it chooses, is easy.

Now the FDA can proclaim a food claim as illegal even if the best science in the world is used to describe its biological effects in the body. The FDA will use the term   in order to jail food makers as if they were selling contaminated food.

While the new bill refers only to food violations and not supplements, the FDA may not interpret it this way. The big issue here is that if this bill is passed, it would give the FDA legal authority to threaten and coerce small companies into signing crippling consent decrees that will deny consumers access to truthful, non-misleading information about natural approaches to protect against chronic disease.  That is the way it has always worked in fascist countries--corporations buy the lawmakers (or blackmail them or threaten their re-election, or coerce them in other ways---see Dennis Kucinich) and pass any law they wish.  

*Ask why every anti-trust law which was in effect, say at the time of Jimmie Carter, is in the trash can today; thrown there either by a now-100% corporate Supreme Court or little-known destructive bills quietly passed by Congress with the support of both parties.  
*Today, in one country in the world, murder by corporation is LEGAL.  When the feds find out about corporate plots to increase profits by killing people, not one corporate executive ever get indicted, not one.  Look up Guidant 7-8 years ago.  
*In the entire 20th century it was against the law for PhRMA to circumvent the 20-year limit on patents by bribing generic manufacturers not to copy an expiring patent.  Today it is commonplace; simply pay $200 million to Teva and make a billion more on your overpriced toxic drug.  
*Even when generics are made, make sure your loyal MD's get their once-illegal commissions by prescribing your brand while conning the ignorant patient that "this is better than the generic."  That they have been doing for decades.

Again, you have been warned.

Don Margolis, Chairman
Repair Stem Cell Institute

Arsenic and Toxic Metals are Found in Baby Foods

Levels of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and uranium have been found in baby foods; It is even found in organic baby foods. Some researchers have found that babies eating baby food twice a day, this is store-bought baby foods would have increased exposure to arsenic up to fifty times compared to mothers breastfeeding. The levels did not exceed official safety limits, but scientists are concerned about infant intake and warn there could be DNA damage.
Read a full article:

Again, we need products like Natra Burst to fight against the poisons that are in the current food supply. 

I talked to a manger of a health food store yesterday and I was told that even though the foods are labeled organic, that doesn't mean that there isn't some GMO in the product. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

We all need to be healthy

This product has life saving nutrition in it.  One just needs to try it and experience the results.  Nutrition is the key to being healthy. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Do you like to help others and yourself at the same time.

Everyone know someone with a health concern.  What if you had the answers that they are looking for, and you do.  Then you shared it with them, your friends and family.  You would be happy and they would be forever thankful.  Doing good has it's own rewards. Then the company will reward you for helping them.  

The Blind man said "It's a beautiful day and I can't see it".  We'll what if you could help him see it.  My friend and business associate took this product for 25 days and his eye sight improved by 400 percent.  He has been blind for almost 3 years and because someone shared this product, Natra Burst with him, he expects to get his drivers license back by mid summer and be driving again.

He will now say " It is a beautiful day and I can see it"'.  His name is Domenico and he introduced this product to me.  Even though I can see, it is making my day more beautiful because it is helping my wife.

View the other pages in this blog and understand why we need this product.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Deficiencies in the crops

The following was in my email today. It is an excerpt from Off The Grid News.

We have diseases that are more resistant in our crops now, ones that farmers cannot control. Chemical fertilizers and genetic deficiencies in the plants are producing foods that are 15 to 75 percent less nutrient-dense than crops raised a mere 50 years ago. Our soils are sterile, the wonderful microscopic organic soup that enriches our foods destroyed by pesticides and herbicides.
While we may produce more per acre than our grandparents did, we have to remember that volume does not equate to food value. There are a lot of carbs and calories in our acreage, but little actual nutrition. We gorge on empty foods that do nothing to fuel our bodies.

This is why the Nutra Burst is needed.  It has a concentration of whole food nutrients in it help to off set what we don't get when we eat store bought food.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Passive Income Investing Strategies

Earn Monthly Income from Your Investments.

Get your health and keep your health while investing for capital return.  This is the most amazing business oportunity that is currently available.  You can invest in your own health and get paid for doing it.  Go to and learn.  For $60.00 per month you can turn it into 2000 per month or 200,000 per month income. 

You can't get this product anywhere else, But you can share it with others and help them get healthy also.
Take a look and listen to the testimonials and you will be amazed at what this product does for your health. It will save you on doctor visits and put money in your pocket.

Surely you can open your mind for a extreamly small investment and test it out. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Reason that we need nutrition form Natra Burst

Superbug Spreads to 35 States - Kills 40%,  Coloring Linked to ADHD

"This is possibly our biggest infection control dilemma yet. Although cases of this bacterial infection has been on the rise worldwide for the last 10 years, there is an alarming spread recently across the US. Thirty-five states have reported the outbreak, but there could be more in states not required to report it. What makes this opportunistic “superbug” such a nightmare is that it is Carbapenem-Resistant, meaning “last resort antibiotic” resistant. It’s a Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP); Klebsiella pneumoniae is a strain of Klebsiella which is related to E. Coli and Salmonella from the family Enterobacteriaceae. Found inside the gut, outside of the gut, it can cause lethal infection. The major reservoirs of infection are the gastrointestinal tract of patients, catheters, unclean instruments, and the hands of hospital personnel. It zeros in on hospitals, ICUs, long term care faciities like nursing homes, and those with immuno-compromised conditions. It is a potential community-acquired type of pneumonia (different, not acquired from hospitals) and the bug has an incredible ability to mutate and resist. It does indeed carry a fatality rate between 35 and 50 percent or more."  Read the rest at: