Getting Healthy & Living Well- Information you can use!

Welcome To: Live Well Blog.

Here you will find lots of information below about having a healthy body and mind. No need to get sick and die before our time. Right?

Up until I leave this life and step into eternity, I want to have everything working well, brain included.

This can be done with the right knowledge and nutrients to make that happen. Getting active will help greatly. I hope you enjoy the information I have given below. Enjoy.

You Can, Solve Your Health And Pain Issues!


Government and Corporation are

making us sick

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yaaa! Rand Paul - Trying to protect our freedoms, again

Rand Paul (R) Kentucky is a good guy, congressman.  He is trying to rain in the FDA. 

Senate bill H.R.645 and the New FEMA  
 amendment 2143
Watch the 6 minute Video at:

First amendment allow free commercial speech which the FDA has taken away.  This gives our free speech rights back.

He has introduced an amendment to halt the armed FDA from raiding farms and natural food stores.  So let's help him turn up the heat an pass this amendment. 

The following was taken from the following website:
 "Imagine gun toting agents from the Food and Drug Administration storming onto your property because you choose to sell raw milk.

Think this can’t happen?  Think again.

FDA agents have been barging in to farms and natural food stores to crack down on individuals whose only crime is believing they know better than the government what was good for their health.

Last week, I offered an amendment to the Food and Drug Reauthorization Bill.

My amendment would curb the FDA’s abuse of power and overreach.

It would disarm the FDA, terminate FDA raids on Amish farmers and natural food stores, and put an end to their censorship of dietary supplements.

I hope you’ll take a few moments to watch my floor speech explaining why my amendment to disarm the FDA is so vital".

Monday, May 28, 2012

Monsanto and the government are killing the bees?

Click here to hear:  Has Illinois Become A Police State? With Terry Ingram - Episode 103

After 58 years of Bee Keeping, an unelected state agency, destroyed years of research, equipment, and bees without due process and no search warrant. This is the Illinois state government.  When the government attacks an individual such as Terrence Ingram, they are attacking you.  This can not be allowed.  Hear the whole story:

Maybe Monsanto and the government are in bed together.  Ya think? Oh yah, fascism.  The constitution is being ignored and one more freedom is lost.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Obesity can go away without dieting - Stop eating the poison in the store bought food!

High sugar content in food is not the complete answer in the cause of obesity.  It is High Fructose Corn Syrup and the fact that 55% of table sugar is fructose from sugar beets and both of these sources are GMO with round up weed killer in the DNA of the fructose. One more point: There are at least 15 names for MSG found on the labels of the food we buy and if researchers want to make a lab animal fat, what do they fed it, MSG. 
So you are a lab rat if you continue to eat food with MSG in it. My family and I have chosen not to be a lab rat any more for the corporation.  I have lost more than a pound a month and much more in inches.  A new belt and three more hole put in the new belt by me and all of this in 7 months.  My daughter has lost more than 9 inches and my wife is loosing 2 to 3 pounds a month. 

Check it out: 
1. &

So how do you loose weight and slim down?  You eat organic food and make sure that there are no chemicals, especially MSG in the food you eat. 

Note: There are over 700 untested chemicals allowed in the store bought food we eat.

Another side benefit is that may get rid of diabetes or not having an onset.  Notice I did not say cure or the government could put me in jail.  Who says that we have freedom of speech?  The corporations and the government (who is supposed to protect us) are in bed together with the laws that they have created to curtail our freedom to speak and our freedom of choice in the food we choose to eat.  They used to call this fascism
( a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology.

Case and point: The Amish farmer who sold raw milk and the purchaser took it across state lines and the FDA raided the farm and took the farmers products and threatened him will jail.  Thankfully the state stepped in and stopped the harassment.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Conspiracy - That is the question!

This is one more news article in the mounting evidence of foul play in the world of world government.  So, after you read the following information and listen to the radio broadcast from the link below, contemplate the ramifications.
Below was excerpted from an email that I get from Off The Grid Radio.

A beekeeper of 58 years wants to know how an unelected state agency, which appears to answer to no one, can come in and destroy years of research, equipment, and bees without due process and even without a search warrant. Has recent loose interpretations of the Constitution and the power of the federal government spilled over into state governments, who now think they can act with impunity and shut down any business that happens to question an agency’s validity, credentials, or findings? Is the era of big bully government upon us?

Those are the questions in Illinois right now, and Terrence Ingram would like them answered. This organic beekeeper has been subjected to searches that he was unaware occurred, to inspectors and their illiteracy when it came to knowledge about bees, and to the destruction of years of research that he says proves that Roundup is a major factor in Colony Collapse Disorder. In addition, he had successfully bred a queen that appeared to be resistant to Round-up, having survived three summers and winters where other queens and colonies died.
However, according to the Prairie Advocate, a newspaper in northwester Illinois, the most troubling aspect of all this was:

[T]he State Department of Agriculture came in and inspected their hives when they were not home and without due process, took their bees and hives. At the time of the theft the Ingram’s [sic] had not yet had their day in court to prove that their hives did not have foulbrood. Ingram knew that the inspectors could not tell what they were seeing and had warned the Department that if any of them came back it would be considered a criminal trespass. Yet they came back when he was not home, stole his hives and ruined his 15 years of research.

"What was the value of that 3-year-old queen?" Ingram asked. "It could have been that she would have a resistant trait that we could expand into the whole bee culture to help them survive this Round-Up thing. How can you place a dollar value on that potential?"

Considering the fact that Ingram’s queens, bees, and hives were taken off his property on March 14, rather than being "abated," as was the "requirement" stated in the notices from the IDofA, the dollar value of such a queen cannot be disregarded as a major motivation for such an act.
Please join Bill Heid and Terry Ingram on today’s Off the Grid Radio program as they discuss this latest atrocity of Illinois state government officials. Bill has personally done business with Terry since the early 80s, and this is a matter that strikes close to home. As Terry Ingram asked the Prairie Advocate, "Is Illinois a police state, where citizens do not have rights?"

Unfortunately, it would appear so.
Click Here To Listen To The Interview Now!

The Off the Grid Radio Team

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Don't use Chemicals on you gardens (Agent Orange).

During the Vietnam war,  researchers looked for chemicals pesticides
that could kill plants rapidly. Ever heard of the military chemical  called
‘Agent Orange.’ One of the chemicals used in Agent Orange is 2,4-D
and it is still widely used on lawns andin gardens.  Though the 2,4-D is
not the chemical that is considered to have caused the ill effects
seen with Agent Orange.  The offending agent (supposedly) is a chemical
called 2,4,5-T and that is no longer being manufactured.  2,4-D is still a
very toxic compound that is under investigation for its possible ability to
cause cancer. Three studies have suggested 2,4-D is more toxic than once
believed, so read the labels of products before you buy them. The home
user is taking great risk using this product around their home.

For more information, review this site:

The following is unconfirmed:
I was told that  Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) has been put into the DNA of Corn and it paralyzes the gut so that when consumed, one will throw up the food.  This was discovered and so the company sold the corn products to a third world country.

I was also told that Bti has also been put in many of the lakes in this country and you should not eat more than one fish a month and that women of children baring age, should not eat any.  You can buy this stuff on the internet.

The poisons is everywhere and fast engulfing the world.  Think of what it is doing to the water supply.  Someone has to stop these (evil) people.

The unscrupulous are killing us and you are doing noting about it!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Who Owns The Organic Companies

On the Cornucopia website you can see who owns the companies that are producing organic foods for the consumer.  View the chart here:

A little more on this:

This is the latest update of the major corporate ownership and involvement in the organic food sector.  This chart focuses on organic brands with ties to the top 25 food processors here in North America. 

Next, this short 4 minute video and you will get a good view of the deception by these companies try to trick you into paying a higher price for their product that is not organic at all.         

Sunday, May 20, 2012

What They Are Hiding in Your Organic Food

I chose to get very angry the other day when I discovered the following:  Just because you see a symbol that states that the food inside is organic, it is not necessarily true.  This is a form of fascism - Government and corporations working together against the people.

Watch this:   

 This video above features the co-director and Senior Farm Policy Analyst at the Cornucopia Institute, Mark Kastel . The Cornucopia Institute, based in Wisconsin, acts as an organic industry watchdog. In this presentation, serious issues are raised currently facing the organic food industry, and how you can help.

Here I was, eating what I thought was pure organic food, knowing that some poison may have slipped in, but for the most part, I thought that I was eating very healthy.  It is true that I am getting more healthy as the excess fat is just falling off me.  I just bought a new belt and I am about to put the 3rd hole in it to keep my pants up.

Oh, but now, I find this out.  [ The evil that men do.]  The Government lies right along with the corporations. There is almost nothing that I can buy that is processed and know and feel like I am eating healthy.   I have lost the convenience of just opening a can or a box to eat food that I enjoy.  I have to change my brain pathways even more now.  IF THE LABEL DOES NOT SAY 100 % ORGANIC, IT IS NOT!

Are you angry yet?  Watch the video and call your congress man.

I will now be working on changing my behavior even more to reflect this new information.  I think I will find people who grow locally for sale or start my own at some point in the near future.

This has to change:  Organics should be pure 100 % organic and the labels should reflect that.  Watch the video and you will understand this better.  I hate liars, don't you?